Species Lore: Daymons

4 years, 3 months ago

---Entropy World Lore---

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>>Creatures of the dark underground, Daymons are hellish creatures that take the souls of humans to use as energy for their own means

>>Daymons have their own governmental system that is seperate from the overworld
>>As such, they also have their own hierarchy of which Daymons are "better" than others
>>Deal-makers tend to be the lowest in the hierarchy, seen as the working class of the society, only meant to stimulate the soul-gathering economy
>>>>While Succubi/Incubi are technically deal-making Daymons, their charismatic charm has lead to their species being in the middle-to-high-class tier of Daymons
>>Animalistic Daymons are around middle to high class depending on the animal type and strength
>>Daymons representing the strong, primal human “sins” are at the forefront of the Daymon hierarchy
>>>>The strongest of the strongest are known as the Circle Seven; seven of the strongest sins (representative of the 7 sins known in the mortal overworld)


>>Daymons based around sex, sexuality, and sexual desire, these demons usually offer companionship and sexual satisfaction in exchange for souls
>>Succubi are often characterized as more submissive, docile, and feminine (while not always female)
>>Incubi are often characterized as more dominant, aggressive, and masculine (while not always male)

Animalistic Demons:
>>Anthropomorphic creatures who take on the appearance of humanoid animals to represent their more animal-instinct based representations

>>Daymons based around the carnal sins of human life and the overseers of the underground, the highest level of underground government

>>These are the working class, deal-makers of the underground
>>Dealers are the ones that grant humans desires in exchange for soul energy

>>Superhuman strength
>>Strong magic
>>Almost unrivaled raw power
>>Gets stronger with more soul energy

>>Holy-affiliated objects weaken them
>>Easily burned by “pure” water (holy, or just heavily purified)
>>Weakens without soul energy
>>Heavily prideful