Species Lore: Fey

4 years, 6 months ago

---Entropy World Lore---

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>>Fey are magical creatures with strong ties to natural sources of energy, such as light or wind
>>All fey have pointed ears and slight off-colored skin


>>Fairies are creatures often found with pointed ears and bug wings
>>They are often mischievous in nature and enjoy messing with humans in any way possible, even dangerously so (they don't exactly understand how fragile humans are compared to other creatures)
>>Some fairies can be quite kind however, and are seen as more benevolent creatures in lore

>>Gnomes are stout young-looking creatures with big sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks, slightly pointed ears, and
>>They are well-known in the monster world as being extremely helpful and kind creatures who love to waltz through gardens and leave magical gifts inside of almost anything

>>Sprites are a lot like fairies in their temperament and nature, but often appear as wispy fire-ghost creatures rather than winged humanoids
>>They also like to mess with humans, but love to trick humans into going on goose chases in particular

>>Elves are one of the most humanoid of the feys, only having pointed ears and slightly translucent skin telling them apart from humans
>>They are well-known as having one of the largest lifespans of any humanoid creature, and the largest of any fey
>>Often depicted as being strong, fast, and highly-intelligent creatures with a deep-rooted sense of pride

>>Hags aren't often seen as feys by many creatures, but they are indeed fey creatures
>>One of the meanest feys, hags are often seen as wicked and ruthless creatures
>>Often depicted with green-tinted skin, pointed ears, and large noses, but not all of them have those traits depending on their lineage

>>Trolls are small, yet strong fey creatures with pointed ears and oddly-colored skin
>>They are a lot like fairies in terms of their appearance, yet are quite kind and nice to humans rather than mean

Fey Animals:
>>Fey animals are special animals touched by fey magic, gaining odd characteristics and the ability to articulate much like humans do in the process
>>They aren't fey themselves, but often have the characteristics of fey creatures and fey magic
>>Depending on the species, fey may utilize these creatures as pets and work-animals

>>Strong magic
>>Nearly impossible to capture
>>Almost always positive

>>Not a lot of physical strength
>>Extremely weak to toxins and iron objects
>>Easily confused by technology
>>Attention hogs