Species Lore: Dragons

4 years, 3 months ago

---Entropy World Lore---

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>>Dragons are large, powerful lizard creatures with strong ties to the different forces of nature
>>They are lizard-like in nature but have a humanoid form they can transform into (they retain their wings, tails, horns, and some scales unless they focus intently on hiding them)

Species Types:
>>Dragons are elemental creatures who have different characteristics based on the element they are affiliated with
>>Some examples include fire dragons breathing fire, air dragons being able to manipulate air currents, water dragons being strong swimmers, space dragons living in either space or dark places on earth, etc…

>>Incredible physical strength
>>Strong magic
>>Strong scales protect them from magical and physical damage

>>Since they are so large in their real forms, they often either have to be transformed 24-7 or hide underground so they don’t scare humans
>>Scales make quite a bit of noise when they clang together
>>Wings and tail can easily knock things over
>>Magic can become unstable if the dragon is experiencing strong emotions