Of Domesticity and Thought

4 years, 3 months ago
263 1

Modern AU I guess lol for SilverBones, a ship between My Necromancer Apricot and Lemonsharq's Druid Bonbi.

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Pale light filters through the wide windows of their shared cabin. It's small, all wood and warmth. There's a variety of leaves lining their walls, hallways, window sills. 

It's laundry day. 

The scent of clean laundry clings to Bonbi. She's been carrying the few loads up and down stairs throughout the morning. She's wearing a camisole and short shorts, exposing toned muscle and short fluff despite the bright winter chill. The last of her old clean pyjamas... aside from the large woolen sweater Apricot stole last night, of course. Her toebeans tense against the cold tile of their bathroom. As she hoists the last basket on her shoulder, she peeks through the doorway to really study the lovely gal sat atop their bed with the sunny backdrop of a snow coated forest and clear blue sky. 

Squinting, Bonbi thinks to herself, Man, we should really get some drapes soon.

Apricot sits on her knees, folding clothes. She looks mildly perplexed as she refers back to her phone. She's no Marie Kondo, as much as she tries to be. She sets the square of a shirt on its side and- it stands! Apricot's mouth settles into a self satisfied smirk. Bonbi thinks about kissing it. 

Then, she realizes. 

She doesn't have to just think anymore. 

"Okay, my love, last one," as Bonbi steps into the warmth of their master bedroom, 

“Look, babe, I did it-”

Apricot's grin is met with soft lips and clean laundry. 

The final basket, clean linens and bed sheets, are set aside momentarily as they take a well earned break.