Growing Up, Finding Your Legs

4 years, 3 months ago

Adonis recalls the day his entire life changed because of one deal.

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Life in the beginning was hard, as Adonis recalled. As he sat with his daughter curled up in his arms, he looked up at the night sky and thought about his early days when he himself was just a pup no older than she. Things had been so much more different back then….

“The price for the metalwork is pretty steep, not sure if you can afford it.” A stout, battle scarred old toskal grunted as he scratched his chin. He sat behind one of the many stalls that could be found in the dark confines of the Black Market, not a tribe but a collection of less than reputable toskals all pedalling illicit and ill gotten wares. Across from him, a well armored warrior stood with hands on hips with her eyes squarely on the merchant.

“The gems should have been enough, Enoch. You told me as much last week!” She snarled into his face. Behind her, her son watched the exchange with wide eyes. Enoch’s gaze drifted towards him with interest. Was that…..yes, it is! Seeing an opportunity, he spoke up again.

“Yes, but that was before we were given a whole basket of them just yesterday. Still….if you’re willing to pay me something a bit more valuable I might be persuaded to give the weapons to you. I might even throw in some genuine Red Eyed made leathers for the right price.”

The warrior followed his gaze towards her son, taking a second to puzzle out what he meant. When she realized what he was asking, she turned and made a motion to backhand him.

“How dare you! Adonis is an apex, it’d take much more than spears and leathers to buy him from me!” She roared, though she pulled her hand back. “If you want him, you’ll need to give me-” She was interrupted by a tiny shout.

“Mama, no! You said I was priceless!” Little Adonis cried, clutching her arm. He tugged, his little face the picture of distress. “I wanna go home!”

The warrior gave him a thoughtful look, then backhanded him hard enough to knock the pup off her arm. She sneered as he hit the floor on his rear, a paw clutched to his stinging cheek.

“Bah! I thought bringing you here would toughen you up, not make you even more of a sniveling disgrace! You were supposed to be the pride of Bludhaven, not some sentimental little milk drinker.” She turned back towards Enoch, nose wrinkled in irritation.

“If you want him, you’ll need to give me a war mount on top of the metalwork shipment.” She leaned in close, narrowing her eyes. “I’ll take no less than a wayloon.”

“Are you mad?” Enoch sputtered.

“Are you desperate enough for your precious trophy?” The warrior shot back.

Enoch paused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He took a few minutes to weigh his options, then finally relented. Taking a scrap of parchment from somewhere below his stall, he began writing up the sale agreement. After signing it himself, he directed the warrior to do the same. Once complete, he stamped it with a wax seal.

“There you are. Show that to the Stock Patsy when you go to retrieve your goods.” He explained as he pushed the paper towards her. With his other paw, he reached into a nearby box and withdrew a collar attached to a thick iron chain. “Payment, please.”

Without hesitation, the Bludhaven warrior shoved the frightened pup forward to be collared. Though he struggled, a harsh smack from Enoch was enough to get him to stop. Adonis wanted to cry, to beg his mother to forgive him, but by the time he looked in her direction she was already gone...