Winter Solstice Prompts

4 years, 3 months ago
4 years, 3 months ago
3 649

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 3 months ago

My prompts for the Alkarnabi Amino's 2018 Winter Solstice Event

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Author's Notes

The world has turned gray and Alkarnabi everywhere are fading away! Track down the missing Nabis and save the day.

Write about your own Nabi fading away AND/OR your Nabi’s reaction to seeing others fade away, as well as their reaction to the letter and the world turning gray.

prompt by Kabber

Prompt 1

"Hey Cumulus, I'm here!" Raye called out as she entered his house. "Do you want to watch a movie later with popcorn?"

Upon not getting an answer she got concerned. "Cumulus? You there?" She searched his house, she only found a half written note. She started reading,

Raye, if you found this, get help. I've started disappearing and don't know what to do. Please, help m...

The writing cut off.

"Cumulus..." She whispered.

There was a knock on the door, she ran down to it, desperate to get help. She opened the door, only to find a letter. She opened it and started reading.

Dearest adventurers,

You must certainly already know why I am writing you this letter. I will be honest with you: I don't know what is happening or why. However, I've tracked down a strong magic source to a small village which seems to be experienced strange weather. I've provided a map to help you get there.

There's no time to waste. Bring back the lost Alkarnabi and put a stop to this.

Signed, Wisp

Raye didn't know what to do, but she knew someone who might...