Winter Holiday Event 2019/2020

4 years, 3 months ago
4 years, 3 months ago
4 4276

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 3 months ago

Prompt 1-4 from the Holiday Event

Prompt 1: Present: Sirius and Pyrien Pyrien's CP count: Land Bonus + 1 Personal work + 1 Holiday Event Bonus +3 1004 words + 10 Total CP= 15 Sirius' CP count: Personal work + 1 Holiday Event Bonus +3 1004 words + 10 Total CP= 14

Prompt 2: Present: Pyrien Pyrien's CP count: Land Bonus + 1 Personal work + 1 Holiday Event Bonus +3 929 words + 9 Total CP= 14

Prompt 3: Present: Sirius and Seirra Sirius' CP count: Personal work + 1 Holiday Event Bonus +3 1255 words + 12 Total CP= 16 Seirra's CP count: Land Bonus + 1 Personal work + 1 Holiday Event Bonus +3 1255 words + 12 Total CP= 17

Prompt 4: Sirius and Seirra Sirius' CP count: Personal work + 1 Holiday Event Bonus +3 1046 words + 10 Total CP= 14 Seirra's CP count: Land Bonus + 1 Personal work + 1 Holiday Event Bonus +3 1046 words + 10 Total CP= 15

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Holiday Prompt 1

    Pyrien slowly woke up from his deep slumber, he hadn’t been asleep for  long before an extra chilly breeze stretched its icy fingers out to  graze him. He pulled his wings in closer and covered his face with a  groan, he was not an early bird and generally enjoyed sleeping in as  long as possible. This unwelcome icy touch was not dissuaded by his  rejection and once more brushed through the tyrians thinner fur. With a  groan he sat up and blinked at the entrance to his cave. Even though it  was still very early in the morning it was exceptionally bright outside,  bright white shafts of light illuminated something as it slowly drifted  down from above.

   Confused Pyrien slowly pulled himself from his  warm nest and approached the tiny drifting speck. It was something  fuzzy looking and pure white, almost like the top of a dandelion but  whiter.  He reached out a clawed finger to poke the speck and was  greatly surprised to find the speck to be stuck to his warm claw. He  hissed slightly in surprise at how cold the little speck was but before  he could even shake the thing free it had suddenly turned into water. He  watched the droplet collect and drip off his claw in confusion. This  was Pyrien’s first winter in Thedale, he had previously lived in  Warrenfall and it had been unseasonably warm during the previous winters  so he had never experienced anything like this.

   He slowly moved  closer to the exceptionally bright cave entrance and remembered the  stories he had heard from his acquaintances who lived in the icy  Roenden. But this was Thedale! The land of vast burning sands and  unending sun! There shouldn’t be any ice here, let alone… snow? As his  thoughts reached that point he stepped out on the cusp on his cliff side  cave, and he was shocked to see the world around him. The day before  the massive plateaus were an orangish red, but today everything was  pure white. As far as the eye could see, it was just white. Bits of  orange peeked out desperately from their white blankets but otherwise  there was no evidence of the desert landscape that lays beneath. The plateaus that surrounded him were suddenly a few feet taller thanks to  their icy caps and even as he gaped at the transformation of his beloved  canyon more snow steadily fell down from above.

   The faint sound  of laughter floated up to him as he continued to stare, looking down to  the canyon floor he spotted the faint smear of a light blue tyrian  moving about excitedly. Leaning down to get a better look Pyrien was  just barely able to make out the identity of the blue tyrian. It was his  old friend Sirius, he was moving about in such a fervor and from so  high up it was impossible to tell what he was doing down there. Another  icy wind brushed past him and Pyrien shivered as he debated what to do.  He wanted to go down and see what nonsense that tyr was up to this time,  after all that flying turd was probably planning something devious….  But at the same time it was way colder than Pyrien wanted to deal with.

    With a sigh he lurched forward and let himself fall from the cave  entrance, spreading his wings at the last second he landed gracefully  with a strong gust of wind to announce his presence. As his gust swept  over the blue tyrian, Sirius jumped to cover something in the snow and  wiped his head around to glare at the new arrival. “Watch it!” Realizing  who had come to investigate Sirius quickly moved his large veil tail over whatever he was hiding and turned to greet Pyrien. “Yo!” He greeted  with a bit too much enthusiasm, “What are you doing here?” Sirius  scuffed the snow under his feet and looked up and away from the purple  tyrian. ‘It should be a crime to be that bad at acting.’ Pyrien inwardly  groaned. “I live here… literally.” He replied with a flick of his tail  to gesture toward his cave. With a sheepish smile Sirius glanced behind  him toward whatever he was failing to hide with his tail. “Right! Right  of course you do!...uhhhhh well since you’re here!” Quickly thinking of an excuse Sirius jumped and unveiled his hidden project and bounded around to be on the opposite side from Pyrien. He crouched down behind the object and lowered himself into a playful position. “You can help me  with this!” He flashed a cheeky smile, this was originally planned to be a prank on Pyrien while he slept but he couldn’t pull it on him now. Between the two tyrians sat the beginnings of a snowball. It was quite  large, almost the size of one of their legs and was rough and irregular in shape. It was pretty obvious that Sirius had been grabbing clawfuls  of snow and slapping it together instead of rolling the ball.

    Pyrien frowned at the ball and asked disdainfully, “Firstly what is  this meant to be and why should I help?” trying to be convincing Sirius  leaned forward and rotated his shoulder toward Pyrien, “It’s a  snowball!” Sirius beamed at his purple friend, who looked from him to  the lump of snow for a second before replying “...yes… I can see that.”  Realizing he hadn’t explained anything Sirius moved back around the ball  to bump wings with the purple tyr. “No no, it's a SnowBall! I wanna  make a massive snowball and drop it on Vahla!” Pyrien groaned and shook  his head “and you wonder why she decided to become a traveler…” He  muttered under his breath before turning away. “I’m not going to help  you bomb your sister.” Sirius whined from behind him, “Awh C’mon Pyr! It’ll be hilarious!” Pyrien spread his wings and lightly took off. He’d leave that idiot to do his own dirty work, in the meantime he was starting to get thirsty.