Just in Case

4 years, 6 months ago

Something brushed her hand, and she jerked away instinctively. Looking back to Alfonse, she found he looked wounded. It was only then that she realized he’d been trying to reach her hand.

Written by Raven_ as part of a trade.

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“Alice!” The door slammed against the wall and Sharena ran in, frantic. “Get up! Please!”

Alice rolled over, pulling the sheets over her head. “Go away. I want to sleep.”

“It’s Alfonse!” She said, continuing to yell. “You have to come!”

“What about him?” She called from underneath the sheets.

Sharena, losing her patience, yanked the sheets off her head and leaned towards her. “Emblian soldiers ambushed him. He’s hurt pretty badly.” 

“What?” Rubbing her eyes, she sat up. 

“Alfonse.” Sharena hissed. “Is hurt.”

“What?!” A note of panic found its way into her voice. 

“Just- come on!” She grabbed her arm and pulled her out of bed.

Stumbling, she got to her feet. “Sorry- I’m stupid, just give me a second-”

“You’re not stupid, and we don’t have a second!” Kicking the door closed behind them, she led Alice up a flight of stairs. Torchlight flickered ominously on the walls, flames dancing as they passed. The stone steps were almost deathly cold under her feet. 

Sharena stopped for a second before opening the door to a room near the end of the hall. She inhaled, exhaled, and stepped inside, Alice close behind her. 

Anna, perched on a chair, had her chin resting in her hands and a worried look on her face. 

“Is he any better?” Sharena asked hopefully. 

Anna shook her head. 

Her face fell, and she went over to where Alfonse was lying in bed, eyes closed. The wound on his chest had been cleaned up, but there were large spots where blood was seeping through the bandage. 

Alice caught her breath, rooted to the spot near the doorway. 

“Why did I decide to send him out alone?” Anna said, staring at the wall. “I thought he could handle it- he was more than capable.”

“Is.” Sharena corrected, searching her brother’s face for any sign that he was going to be ok. “He’s still here.”

“You’re right.” She straightened a bit and tipped her head back to look up at the ceiling. “He’ll pull through. He always does.”

Alfonse’s eyelids fluttered open, and he blinked at Sharena. She let out a gasp of delight and went to hug him, only to remember that it would worsen the bleeding. Instead, she grabbed his arm and squeezed it tightly.

“I’m glad you’re ok, brother.”

“Ow, Sharena!” He laughed a bit. “Let go of me, that hurts.”

This snapped her out of her trance, and she went forwards, stopping a few feet before the edge of the bed. 

“Ah. Alice. Hello.” His eyes flicked over to her. “I guess I bit off a little more than I could chew.” He chuckled weakly and then winced. 

The room was silent for a while. 

“Do you… want us to go?” Anna asked. 

“I-“ Alice started. 

“Yes, please.” Alfonse shut his eyes for a moment. 

“Alright!” She hopped to her feet and ushered Sharena out of the room. 

“Why are we leaving?” Sharena hissed before Anna closed the door. 

“Just go with it,” she whispered back.

“So.” Alice concentrated on the sheets near his feet, far away from the blood. “You wanted to… talk?”

“So, you still wear it?” He looked up at her hair ornament. Her eyes flicked back to his face before flicking away again. Focusing on the sheets was easier. 

Brushing the hair ornament with a finger, she said, “Yes.”

“You know, Alice…” 

Something brushed her hand, and she jerked away instinctively. Looking back to Alfonse, she found he looked wounded. It was only then that she realized he’d been trying to reach her hand.


She dragged Anna’s chair over and sat near him, staring at her feet.

This time, when Alfonse reached for her hand, she didn’t pull away. He tugged her gently over until they were facing each other. 

Then, gradually, he moved her in until their lips met and they were kissing.

Alice’s eyes widened. Once they pulled away, Alfonse closed his eyes again.

“Just in case I’m not around anymore after today.”

“Don’t say that!” She managed. “You’ll be fine-“

“Make sure Sharena doesn’t do anything stupid, will you?”

“Alfonse, what-“

“You’ll all be in good hands. You have each other, after all.” The ghost of a smile flickered across his face. His face relaxed, and he stopped talking. 

“Alfonse?” Alice asked hesitantly. 

He didn’t answer.

“Alfonse!” Panic gripped her, and she grabbed his wrist, checking for a pulse. Thankfully, there was one. Weak, but steady.

The door opened, and she turned around. Anna and Sharena peeked in.

“He’s asleep?” Anna asked. “Well, good. He needs his rest. He looks better than before.”

“Do you think…” she started, too afraid to hope. 

“We’ll call you if anything happens.” Sharena smiled. “You shouldn’t worry, he’ll be fine.”

Alice couldn’t shake the feeling that Sharena was trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to convince her. 

“I’ll stay,” she said, sitting down next to the wall.

“You can have the chair if you want,” Anna offered. 

“No, I’m fine here.” She focused on Alfonse. 

Eventually, sleep overtook her again.


When Anna shook her awake, there was panic written all over her features.

“He’s gotten worse,” was all she said.

Alice sprang up and checked his pulse again.



There was nothing. 

He was gone.