misc info (matcha)

4 years, 2 months ago

misc brainstorming for matcha

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Matcha is a heavy cigarette smoker, and has been since she was 13

not actually green, it's just dye.

She used to smell like cigarettes all the time but Cleo gives her so much shit about smoking that she makes an effort to keep the stench off of her (though there’s only so much you can do)

Covers up the cigarette smell in her car by putting coffee grounds and tea in the carpet, along with lots of extra strength odour eliminators

Smells like tea, coffee, fresh linen, cigarettes (sometimes gasoline and motor oil)

Works at her uncle’s scrapyard

Very close to that uncle. He’s very supportive (respects her nickname, supports her relationship with Cleo, employs her) but he’s a questionable influence (responsible for her cigarette addiction, also a bit of a crook)

Matcha dropped out of highschool and did not go to college, but is generally very smart. 

She skipped class all the time and never turned in assignments, but she was good at processing and retaining information when she did show up. Could have been an honour student if she was raised a little better. 

Matcha’s family was quite poor while she was growing up, and both of her parents were constantly working around the clock. She was mostly raised by her crook uncle. 

She shares her music preferences with her uncle, as she looked up to him in her formative years and gravitated to anything he liked. Van Halen, Black Sabbath, Dr Dre, mostly stuff from the 80s and 90s.