Home Is Where The Heart Is

4 years, 2 months ago
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Pema thought about the question for a moment, unsure of how to describe her house.

"I live in a little house on a simple street, but all of my neighbors hate me. I have a habit of breaking things in my house, my yard, and the area. I get a lot of letters from HOA," Pema explained with a loud chuckle and shook her head. "But that's just practice for my job!"

Pema paused to imagine the inside of her house and continued to explain. "When you first walk in, you see a lot of leaves and weird outside stuff on my mat. I'm honestly not that good at cleaning. To the left is a bathroom and the guest room, but I almost never have people visit. My friends like me to stay over as long as I promise not to make a mess."

"To the right is the living room, which is where I eat most of my snacks. It's right next to the kitchen, so I can easily make food and go back to watching TV," Pema sighed dreamily and patted her stomach. She felt hungry right now.

Putting her hand back to her side, she started the imaginary walkthrough of her house again. "Down the hall is the master bedroom, and it's a lot of space for my queen bed. I sleep alone right now, and I don't have a partner. It's okay, I don't mind! I don't know anyone who could put up with my messiness."

"A lot of my windows are boarded up, but I swear I'm in the process of fixing them... I'm just bad at saving money," Pema admitted with a small shrug.

Pema's brief description was done, and she started glancing around. "Do you know the nearest place to get food?"