The Meaning of Dance

4 years, 3 months ago
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She peered at the mask intently for a few moments, admiring its beauty and delicateness. The woman didn't realize that she had been asked a question until the last second. Zara blushed at the question and pushed the hair out of her face.

"Well, um... as the drummer to a punk rock band, I don't do a lot of dancing. I just sit and keep the rhythm. It's fun to watch the guitarist Penny dance, though. She always gets the crowd excited," Zara rambled.

She hesitated before continuing, "I do dance along, though. Sometimes it'll be uplifting beats to electronic or pop songs just for fun or to get the energy out of my system. Other times I'll listen to something slow and do the waltz by myself. It's mainly to practice when I... hopefully... get a chance."

"Oh, I shouldn't have told you that!" Zara suddenly got flustered. "Okay, fine... if you can keep a secret. I'm in love with the vocalist, Iris, and I want to do something romantic."

Zara fell into a sudden haze and got a dreamy look in her eyes, describing, "I would take her to my house, just as a little hang out thing. Or so she thinks. We would have pizza or Chinese food, and I would turn on a movie or two. For a second, I would leave and get dressed in a fancy outfit. Maybe a button-up shirt and some nice pants. The movie would pause, and the music would start."

"Then I would take her hand and ask her to dance. Oh gosh, do you think she would like it? Sometimes she can be really stubborn and mean, but I hope it'll win her heart over," Zara gushed and pressed her hands together in almost a praying position.

She remembered where she was and blushed again, the hair falling back into her face. The woman stuffed her hands into her pockets and shrugged as if she hadn't said anything in the first place. "I have to go now, okay? But promise you won't tell anyone!" Zara pleaded and turned to leave. She hesitated at the entrance.

"And thank you."