The Start of Something Good

4 years, 3 months ago

It's not often we get these types of individuals, the last being Levi, but even he wasn't as rude and snippy as this guy was when we had first met.

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"I said I don't want to talk to you, now leave me alone." His voice is gruff and his words dig deeper than what I expected them to. He flicks his ears in irritation and stomps off, his tail swishing madly behind him. I immediately deflate, my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach. What do you mean he doesn't want to talk to me?

Eridani. The newest and hottest topic spreading throughout the stables as of late. No one knows where he came from or what his story is, however all I want is to make sure he has a friend throughout his transition into this new environment. Usually new members are more than happy and for the most part grateful for someone to talk to and help them acclimate, however in Eridani's case, he'd rather die than say a word to anyone, let alone be near another horse. It's not often we get these types of individuals, the last being Levi, but even he wasn't as rude and snippy as this guy was when we had first met. When Eridani first arrived to the stables he wouldn't leave his stall for the first week, however with some prodding the staff have now gotten him to at least stand just outside the barn's entrance. Anyone who has attempted to approach him to acquaint themselves has been cut short with a short remark decorated with a number of choice words.

Today had been my first attempt at befriending him, however I was met with the same fate as those I have talked to regarding the miserly stallion. This was also the first time my friendship has ever been rejected, and admittedly, I feel like my world has crashed all around me. How could someone be as cruel to deny themselves of companionship? My heart sinks lower, tears threatening to spill over, and I shake my head and try to will myself out of my slump. No matter what, I will get that man to talk to me, even if it's the last thing I do! Steeling myself once more, I dash toward the river to consult with Rei, who seems to be taking his sweet time sipping up the crisp and cool water below him.

"Rei, think you could help me with something. It's about Eridani." I gasp, trying to regain my breath after rushing over to him. He turns his head toward me, a look of confusion washing over is features.

"Isn't that the guy who keeps cussing at people and telling them to stay away? Lottie, you've got no business with people like them, sometimes they don't want to be helped," he responds softly, taking in my dejected form, "No matter how much you try, some people can't be helped, no matter what you try."

"But we can help him, I know we can! It isn't like he is ignoring us. He's responding, which is a great start!"


"Please Rei," I beg, the tears beginning to resurface once more, " this time if it doesn't work, I'll let him go. But please give him a chance, just this one time. That's all I will ask." Rei sighs, scanning over me once more and looking out toward the barn entrance where Eridani is pawing at the dirt. He turns back to me, shoulders slumped.

"Fine. What do you have in mind?" he ask warily, and I grin.


Later that night, Rei and I post ourselves near the barn, giving Eridani enough space so it seemed as of we weren't paying attention to him. He balks as soon as we come closer, but he soon realizes we aren't approaching him and turns to mind his own business. Sometime during the day he was moved to a separate pasture beside the main one, giving him enough space to where he could be alone if need be. Unfortunately, that meant he couldn't reach the food troughs near the barn, which were filled to the brim with all types of snacks. I head toward the trough and Eridani visually tenses, watching me closely. Heading back over to Rei after grabbing a few shoots from the trough I offer him one and he gladly takes it, making sure to glance over at him. It wasn't the greatest idea, I admit, teasing him with food in order to get him to talk to us, but it was the only thing I could think of.

It was then that our plan turned for the worse, a small foal bounding up to the fence line and angering Eridani enough to where he lunged at it, causing the foal to erupt into a screeching frenzy. Before I could even react, Rei was already ten steps ahead of me, bolting past the foal and posting himself in front of the angry stallion. I rush to the foal's side, ushering him toward his mother as I watch the stand-off begin. Those standing around us cower in fear, others looking on with interest or concern. Words are being spat at each other in rapid succession, Rei immediately shutting Eridani down at every turn. After what seemed like hours, the bickering stopped, Rei snapping one final time at Eridani, the remark seeming to cut right through him. He backs off, retreating to the other side of his pasture and remaining there until sundown.

Weeks after that Eridani kept to himself as usual, however he seemed to be in deep thought for most of this period. He seemed to be much tamer when in contact with staff, and didn't lash out when a horse got too close to him. He was released from separation hesitantly, and began reintegration under constant surveillance. He seemed awkward at best, eating after everyone else had their fill and going to the river when no one else was around. Today was of those days Rei and I had decided to relax there when he arrived, glancing toward us and quickly looking away when he saw Rei.

"Now's your chance, Charlotte." Rei whispers, keeping his eyes trained on the stallion as he bends down to get a drink. My heart begins to race as I stand up, shaking the dirt from my coat and slowly making my way toward him, allowing for him to back away if he needed to. Rei does the same and follows close behind, taking his place on one side of the stallion while I on the other. Eridani's eyes race from me to Rei before returning to the water, his uneasiness slowly fading away as we sip in silence.

It was only when Rei and I turned to leave that he cleared his throat and apologized to Rei, who sweetly smiled back and apologized for his behavior as well. Watching the two of them slowly begin to strike up a conversation made the heart beating within me fill with an unspeakable warmth, and I allow them to walk off and leave me alone at the riverside, the tears left unshod finally falling towards grace.