Pulling Pranks

4 years, 3 months ago

Life is no fun when you can't pull a few pranks.

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"Dorado, I am going to kill you!!" I hear Lorelai shriek from behind me but I am already running at top speed, cackling all the way. My other looks on in approval, her friends shaking their heads in disappointment. It just so happened that another prank had been pulled successfully on the local germaphobe of the herd, and she did not appreciate it one bit.

My mother and I cause a lot of chaos, however it's in our blood, the both of us having way too much energy to contain. Her and I are both top in our disciplines and we truly do take pride in our many accomplishments, however there's no fun in being a master in only that! During breaks and after training hours, we enjoy passing the time playing pranks ranging from simple to chaotic, and enjoy seeing the reactions of our latest targets. Today just happened to be Lorelai's lucky day, and I couldn't have pulled it off without my friends reluctantly assisting me. I skid around the backside of the barn, almost colliding with Corr.

"Did it work?" Roark questions, seemingly antsy to know the results of our latest plan. Lorelai's screams permeate the air at that moment, immediately answering his question and allowing a smile to break across his face.

"We did it!" I whisper excitedly, quickly taking a peek around the corner to see where the angry mare was headed. Luckily, she seemed to be trudging to the lake to wash off the mass amounts of mud dripping from her usually porcelain white coat. I hear Roark and Corr snickering behind me and I cannot help but join in, the two snorting becoming contagious. Usually these two would rather watch than be apart of my antics, however Lorelai had ticked them off earlier in the week, screaming about the state of their stalls, and they wanted a little bit of payback.

"She's totally going to scalp me later, but it's so worth it," I grin, Roark's laughter echoing off the barn, "You think she's going to try yelling at Mal about it?"

"Highly doubt it, your mother is about as wild as you are, it's no use." Corr answers, the older stallion's gaze shifting to Malibu's form, who seems to be proudly chattering about my latest prank to her more mature friends. I nod in agreement, snorting when Roark whimpers in pain over his stomach hurting from laughter.

"Oh shoot, here comes Lorelai," I wince, watching as she begins to close in on the barn. We begin to hear her ask around for my location, to which those standing around shrug their shoulders and go back to their prior activities. "God I hope she doesn't see us back here, I can't deal with her screeching right now. You both should probably head out before she figures out I didn't act alone." The two of them nod, quietly slipping around the opposite side I arrived from, just making it out of sight before Lorelai popped out.

"There you are! How dare you try running from this you mangy mutt! Do you not understand the importance of being clean? You and your mother alike not only need to learn some manners but-"

The rest of her words become a blur, which turns into an aggressive screech as she chases after me, her legs unable to pick up enough speed to close the large gap between us. I cannot help but laugh, the adrenaline taking over and causing it to bubble out of my mouth. Life is no fun when you can't pull a few pranks.

Maybe next time I will get Levi.