A Crumpled Letter

4 years, 2 months ago

My days are brighter than ever, but they are quite dull compared to how they used to be when you were alive.

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It's been years since I saw you last and heard your voice. I wish you were here so I could tell you everything I've went through face-to-face, however as much as I wish I had the ability to, I know there's no way I will ever see your face again.

After you passed, I went numb, completely so and I began to terrorize our one peaceful home. I was so angry, mother, so angry that they took you away from me and I took it out on those around me, the people we loved. I was very close to seeing you again; there was nothing I wanted more than to fall asleep forever, and to wake up to your face once again, but mother I am so glad I didn't fall asleep. They moved me across the country to this beautiful countryside stable, and I know you would love it here- there's acres upon acres of pasture and it's surrounded by forests, just how you wished our small farm was. I remember you'd tell me stories about how you wanted nothing more than to take leisurely walks through the woods with me, and mother, there's plenty of forest to walk through now.

I was an ass, you know, when I first moved here. I know you would have popped me for the way I acted, But I can assure you I am much better now. Not a day goes by where I don't feel ashamed of my actions, they way I carried myself. You live through me now, and I am so sorry for letting you down during that period of my life. I have promised myself to be the individual you raised me to be, and I will be sure to tell everyone I know how wonderful you were, how wonderful you are.

The staff here are wonderful, more caring and kind than what we dealt with back home, and they do everything they can to make sure everyone is cared for. There's music playing all of the time, and the barns are always kept at a comfortable temperature. The pastures are something out of a storybook, littered with fresh grasses and clover, and the water sources are fresh. Rivers and lake litter the massive amounts of space we have, but the most popular spot is the large river that hugs the hip of the property. It's all for us, and we can do whatever we want when not practicing for competitions or training. We are much closer to the ocean now too, and one of these days I know I will get there, and I will be sure to tell you all about it.  I have a discipline now: Western Pleasure; and I laugh thinking about how your face would have looked like if I told you in person- you'd have a heart attack i am sure, you always wanted me to go into Dressage like my father did. It's fun though, so very fun, and I wish you could see me compete, my first show is coming up soon.

I have made some amazing friends, mother, and I wish you could meet them. There's Pluviam and Bravado, Lily, and Charlotte- but overall, I would have to say Rei is the one I am most grateful for. He's good, mother, not like any other stallion I've met. He's clear, concise, fearless, and has no issue with telling me if and when I screw up- and I screw up a lot, mother, I really do. But he's patient with me and so wonderful about assisting me with changing up my act when needed. He's perfect, mother, and I wish you could meet him. You would have taken him in like your own son, I am sure of that- you loved meeting new people.

My days are brighter than ever, but they are quite dull compared to how they used to be when you were alive. I miss your smile, and the way your laughter bubbled louder than the creeks running through the woods outside the pasture. Every day I think of you, wishing that you'd be here to experience this new life with me. You're gone, but I will never forget you, for I am your son, and I wake up everyday hoping I make you proud. Rest easy, I will see you later.

- Your Son.