09-10 Prompt 1

Nox Show More
4 years, 2 months ago

APPROVED 303 Words +3 XP

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The merging of two lions? Not a single one of two souls seems like a prospect, I didn't ever believe to be possible. How I would love to be able to witness such a union between two entirely different living beings! Though unfortunate it had to be prisoners who underwent such a transformation I believe there are things that could have been learned and still can be. If these new blood lions can converge with already existing lions who is to say that it stops at blood moon lions being able to achieve this merger? Though I do not condom the pain they went through and experienced, and would never purposely expose another to such torment... But the fact the blood moon created lions strong enough to break free of one of the most secure locations in the universe? Such power is awe inspiring and could potentially shift the tides of the civil war on Lochren. I pray to the cosmos that these new... Fusions, do not take the side of the rebels, if they do it is hard to look at the outcome of this war through optimistic eyes. Though perhaps they will stay out of the war all together? Live their own lives on Lochren should they make it back to their home planet? For the sake of the Pride and the Oasis I hope that be the case. We need a step up and a step toward victory and this sudden event could perhaps effect the outcome of the war, no, the planet in it's entirety. Not even the Oasis will be safe should these lions turn on us... There is still hope within me, do not take my words as a statement of defeat or pessimistic views, I am merely stating my opinion and insight into what may happen.