Meeting Honeygaze

4 years, 6 months ago

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Ripplestar patrolled the territory, admiring the set up of various trees and wildlife that covered his new home. There was so much to learn about his new expanse, and he felt a shiver run through his pelt with excitement. He was once a clan cat himself. But when his evil brother took over, Ripple wasted no time escaping before his brother finally went through with various threats he received as they grew up... he lost sight in one eye because of it. He was the favored son, and Rainpelt didn't like that. He rose to power, Ripple's life was in danger. Though he was hesitant leaving, he felt better now. Starclan approved, and so now he would build his own empire!

He had long since marked the outskirts of his territory and wanted nothing more than to explore his home. But he caught an unfamiliar sent that made his fur stand up and tense. Was it a possible enemy? Slowly, he stalked towards its direction, prepping to ambush, but soon the scent walked out timidly from the bushes, their smaller frame looking as if it'd fall over any second. When the cream colored cat spotted Ripplestar, they let out a long sigh and a shaky smile. "Just my luck... Hey there- look, no harm. I'll just turn around and get out of your fur alright? I'm too hungry for a fight." The tom said before wobbling to turn around, but just then he nearly tipped over and fell. Without thought, Ripplestar leaped to his side and propped him up before he hit the ground, a slight look of concern on his face. "You're in no position to walk.." He said slowly. "Yea yea, I'm aware. But I'm sure you want me gone, right? Big toms like you fight for food and sadly I'm too pretty and too weak for that." He said. His voice flirtatious but soft as he looked as though he'd pass out at any moment.

Ripplestar indeed was not ready for another cat on his territory, but he didn't want his first day filled with bloodshed. Ah! But a clan had to grow somehow, right? "I think we can work something out here." Ripplestar smiled slightly. "But let's get you some food first. Then we'll talk. Just stick close to me."

The creamed tom looked confused, then hesitant, but at the mention of food, that all went away as he smiled back. "You had me at hello~" 

"But.. I didn't greet you?" Ripplestar responded in confusion.

The tom just chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Oh nevermind~"