Meeting Ashstride

4 years, 6 months ago

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Ripplestar stretched in the light of the early sun as it beamed down on him when he emerged from his den within a large fallen log. He maw opened in a wide yawn before he blinked his eyes around his still empty camp. In the center was their small prey pile. Small it was, but for two, it was enough for now. Regardless, he wanted to stock it up quickly, before the seasons passed them by without warning. As he came around to grab himself a quick morsel, he spotted the creamy fur of his first ally laying beside a finished meal, grooming his fur with a hum. At the sound of Ripplestar though, he raised his head and flashed a smile.

“Well hello~” He purred, waving with his tail. Ripplestar bowed his head in greeting.

“I didn’t take you for an early riser.” He said, grabbing himself a mouse for now.

“Oh, but I love mornings! The sun isn’t too hot but not too weak to warm me. And it’s nice and quiet out in the world. It’s really worth waking up.” As Honeygaze spoke, he stretched, purred then rolled onto his back to stretch even more, exaggerating the fact that he loved the sunlight.

The leader only shook his head with a light chuckle. “I see.” He then took his mouse and began eating. Honeygaze continued his happy sunbathing and groomed in silence, letting Ripplestar experience just what he meant, and the grey tabby could agree that this was definitely worth waking up.

After that meal, Ripplestar announced that they’d be hunting to start the day. Honeygaze was more than happy to get his paws going, and was soon skipping off after Ripplestar gave the go ahead. He watched the other tom go and sighed softly, smiling a bit. Honeygaze was good company. His flirtatious and caring nature was really comforting to him. Though his advances made him quite skittish, Honeygaze respected that to a degree. He’d flirt and purr sweet nothings, but never did he invade his space. Ripplestar was grateful but also it upset him.. He didn’t know why yet.. He’d need to think about it. Though he came to a halt when he noted that Honeygaze’s steps had gone silent. He followed suit, knowing he must have caught the scent of prey.

“I’m going to go this way.” Honeygaze said softly with a gesture of his head. Ripplestar gave him an affirmative nod before watching the cream colored warrior disappear into the underbrush. Honeygaze’s nose was a bit sharp. Nothing supernatural, but it often picked up on the slightest of things. This was one of those moments. A faint scent of something new. Something that didn’t belong. Or, better yet, someone.

It was a bit of a walk but soon the scent got stronger, until Honeygaze was standing across from a larger tom, enjoying his fresh kill. As the tom sensed his presence, he rose his head slowly, muscles rippling under all his long fur, purple eyes glittering in malice. Slowly a growl rose from his throat the longer Honeygaze stood and stared, and the larger tom rose to his paws to take a threatening step forward. “Explain yourself- you’ve got three heartbeats.”

“A-Ah easy now sweetheart-” Honeygaze stammered, taking a step back. “L-Let’s not get too hasty-”


“Listen handsome- I won’t bother you and you won’t bother me and we won’t get the boss involved...Deal?”

This seemed to give the stranger pause and he warily glanced around at the mention of a ‘boss’ for signs of another threat. When he saw none, he turned his glare back towards Honeygaze, but he wasn’t expecting the cream colored tom to suddenly be so close. Nor did he expect that teasing grin on his face.

“Oh no, did I scare you?” Honeygaze cooed, batting those eyes that graced him with his name. “Think another big bad kitty will come and get you~?” He teased.

The loner growled, but words seemed to be caught in his throat as Honeygaze sauntered closer, circling him slowly and brushing gently against his fur. The stranger didn’t know what was happening, but it was making him extremely flustered. “H-Hey-”

“Hey~” Honeygaze purred back. “You know, I knew you were handsome, but now that I’m closer, I think you’re just my type.” The warrior continued to flirt, the anger of the tom completely gone by this point, replaced with only flustered confusion. “Now darling, we don’t have to fight. I can’t beat you at all, you know this. But I have a duty to my clan and such… And you’re technically trespassing.”

“So….?” The fluffy black tom grumbled, looking away to hide how ruffled he was. “What are you going to do about it…”

“Walk with me love~ Let’s have a little talk~” And with that, Honeygaze breezed past, letting his tail linger under other’s chin before slinking off. And to his surprise, the tom followed.

It had been a while since he hunted so hard. Hunting in his old clan had become second nature to him. It was still going to take some time getting a feel for his new home. But he would count this hunt successful. He managed to catch a vole and a squirrel. A great start for a clan of tw-

“Ripplestar! I brought a friend!~” Came the singsong trill of Honeygaze as he strode proudly into camp. The silver leader perked up at the sound and sight of him, though when he noticed the large dark figure following him, he tensed. But then the words sunk in and he sighed.

“Honeygaze, what happened to hunting?” He asked, exasperated. “And who is this?” His blue eye sized up the larger tom, who looked strong, but tamed.. Somehow.

“Like I said, a new friend. I hunted and found this handsome little thing~ And I thought you might like him. He’s really cute when he’s not trying to bite your ears off.” The tom laughed lightheartedly. “Now why don’t you two adorable toms get acquainted! I need a nap.” Without giving his leader a chance to cuff him behind the ear. He was too pretty to be getting in trouble.

Ripplestar gave a long,heavy sigh and shook his head, knowing he couldn’t stop the warrior’s antics. “Is he always like this?” Came the gruff voice of the dark-furred loner as he eyed Honeygaze.

Ripplestar gave him a sympathetic grin and shook his head slowly. “Sadly so. I see he wasted no time introducing himself then.”

“That tom is crazy…”

“He sure is~”

There was a soft chuckle between the two as they watched Honeygaze for a moment, Ripplestar purring a slight bit as well, but they both glanced at each other and snapped out of what seemed to be their simultaneous daze. With a clear of his throat, Ripplestar straightened himself up and gestured to the shaded area of their camp. “Well, you heard him. Let’s get acquainted.”