
4 years, 2 months ago

Chili and Abyss are reunited months after saving the world.

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Abyss sat at the waters edge watching the bubbles float across the evening sky. It had had been a long time since he'd come to watch the Krabby blow their bubbles. The work at the Wigglytuff Guild had increased exponentially over the last few months. He didn't mind all too much, he enjoyed working with everyone there.

As he watched a particularly large bubble float across the sky in front of him, Abyss wondered when the last time he was here. His thoughts wandered for a moment. Then it hit him. That's right! He met Chili on this beach! And after that, he started working at the Wigglytuff Guild with her.

Abyss' eyes started to well with tears at the thought of Chili. After the two had defeated Dialga at the top of Temporal Tower, Chili had disappeared. He lost his best friend that day, and though it had gotten easier to go on over the last few months with all the work at the guild, he still missed her a lot. It was her who finally pushed him to join the guild, after all. He never would have had the courage to do it on his own. Beyond all that, she was his best friend. The two had spent months doing missions and dealing with Team Skull antics together. It just wasn't the same without her here.

He glanced over towards the rock he found her lying beside that day, unconscious and soaking wet. The spot was empty. He sighed and wiped away a tear. He knew she wouldn't be there, yet he let himself get his hopes up. Abyss turned to look back at the sunset and his mind wandered again. Memories washed over him like a wave. Memories of Chili and himself on missions, taking down outlaws and saving others when they got stuck in dungeons. A single memory stuck in his mind for a long while. One of their first missions. They were standing in front of a huge raging waterfall, unsure of where to go next. Then, out of nowhere, Chili suggested that they jump through the waterfall to a cave behind it. He felt terrified at the thought, but with her help, they made it to the cave.

His eyes filled with tears again and he sniffled. Chili made him feel brave and helped him overcome his fears. No one in his life had ever made him feel like that. No one but Chili, and now she was gone. Abyss started sobbing uncontrollably. His shoulders quaked as tears ran down his cheeks. He missed her so much.

"Abyss?!" a voice shouted from the path to Treasure Town. Hurried footsteps followed before he was being embraced. "Abyss, what's wrong?"

He looked up at the Pokemon that had embraced him. It was Bidoof. "I-I was just thinking of Chili," he sobbed into the other Pokemon's thick fur. "I-I miss her so much."

Bidoof's worried look was replaced with understanding. He stroked Abyss' head as he held him. "I know you do, Abyss. It takes time for wounds to heal. But you still have all the good times you had together. That's what matters."

Abyss knew that Bidoof was trying to help and he was thankful for that. But he knew that he wouldn't ever be totally alright with Chili gone.

Atop Temporal Tower, Dialga stands with his eyes closed, deep in thought. 'I hear your sorrow, Abyss. You grieve for your friend you have lost. As my final thank you for saving me in my ultimate time of need, I will grant you this wish.'

Bidoof continues to stroke Abyss' head, the poor Pokemons sobs muffed in his fur as he looks out over the ocean. From the corner of his eye, he see's a glowing light. Turning quickly, he finds a Pokemon forming out of this light. He gently nudges Abyss and the two watch the form of a Torchic appear from the light. Bidoof cannot believe his eyes. It's Chili!

Abyss is too shocked to move. Could this be a trick on his eyes? This could not be posible...or could it? Without waiting another moment, he starts to run through the sand to his friend. To his best friend he never thought he'd ever reuinite with.

Abyss pounces Chili and the two fall to the ground laughing. "Chili! You're here! I-I thought you were gone forever! I-I..." he trailed off, tears welling his eyes again as he stared at her.

The Torchic just laughed. "Abyss, Dialga says thank you."

Abyss grins. "Thank you, Dialga!" he shouts to the sky. "Thank you so much!"

"Hey, you're crushing me!" Chili laughs. "I'm not going anywhere for a long time, Abyss!"

The two laugh and join back up with Bidoof. Then the three make their way back to the Wigglytuff Guild to spread the good news of Chili's return.