Little Bronwyn's Adventure

4 years, 2 months ago

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Little Bronwyn, a darker tawny Tokota, sleepily lifts her head from her nap under a big shady tree in the middle of a very large forest. She stretches, shaking the leaves and pine needles off her snout. She hears a soft clucking sound from her brown chicken companion. She gives her friend a soft lick on its back and gets up from where it was nesting. Bronwyn nuzzles it back to its nest and tells her chicken to stay where it's at, mainly as a way to keep it safe.

She has no real idea of where she wants to explore today, but her stomach growls and she is thirsty. Little Bronwyn lets her nose lead her to a small but oddly deep lake, or is it a pond?, where she notices some movement along the edges.

Fish! She thinks happily and smiles. Everything I need is all right here! 

Bronwyn studies the hypnotizing movements of a silver fish before launching her face into the water. Snapping wildly and blindly, she pulls her head up, her fur around her nose and eyes is covered in moss and mud and her blue eyes catch the sunlight. Little Bronwyn, hungry and irritated, studies the fish's movements again. She watches for any sign of a pattern, the flicks of tail fins, anything. When suddenly, something in the water catches her eyes. She is drawn closer to the middle of the pond.

Forgetting about her previous adventures, she allows herself to be drawn into the pond, but not too deep. Just enough that her knees and feet are covered in the water. She lifts her head higher to attempt to get a better look but the object that first caught her attention is longer there.

Maybe, I covered it up when I wandered into the pond, she justifies her actions, I would’ve covered whatever is down there anyways if I just leaped into the pond. Reluctantly, she bows her head and gets a good drink of the pond water. It tastes like mud and it’s gritty in texture, almost like eating it, but gritty mud water is better than no water.

Bronwyn backs out of the pond, stepping on something with her back foot. A fish! She accidentally caught a fish! Although, is it really catching a fish if she steps on it? Excited, Little Bronwyn eats her freshly caught prey before deciding she wants to go on an adventure, mainly around her new little pond. She stands on the edge of the pond again, unsure of where to go next. To her left, she can go back into the forest where she came from, however, to her right, there seems to be a huge flower meadow! Bronwyn knows she should stick close by her campsite, but she misses the feeling of being a pup again; running careless, wild, and free. She feels a smile come across her face and warmth on her back as the sun warms the surrounding areas. She knows better but those flowers do look pretty fun.

Oh, who am I gonna hurt? Little Bronwyn sighs. It’s just a single flower meadow. The flowers will grow back! It won’t be a big deal! I’ll give myself one run through and I have to go back to my tree.

Excitement flows over Little Bronwyn, she can’t remember the last time she’s even running through a creek! She feels her legs move at a pace she’s never felt before. Bronwyn takes off for the flowers, allowing herself to be consumed in the smell of the poppies, yarrow, and hey, what’s the big tall yellow flower? Little Bronwyn tumbles to a stop and trots back to the mysterious tall yellow flower. It’s taller Bronwyn! She takes a step back, admiring the plant’s height. She can’t recall seeing anything or any Tokota taller than it! The strange plant is facing the sun too? Bronwyn decides she wants this strange flower for herself and picks it from its stalk. She decides to name this odd flower “Sun-facing Flower” but she doesn’t like how the name’s worded so she shortens it to “Sunflower” instead. She abandons her flower adventure and chooses to go back to her oversized tree in the woods.

When she arrives home, she puts her newly found friend next to her beloved chicken. Realising her chicken is probably hungry as it's eyeballing her sunflower, she shakes the head of the flower, releasing some seeds on the ground. The chicken clucks happily and quickly devours the seeds, poking the flower for more. She growls, as the flower is hers, however, she does shake the flower for more seeds for her chicken friend. She does this several more times until her flower is empty of seeds. Although the flower is useless to feed Bronwyn’s chicken, she still kept the flower just because it’s really pretty and such a vibrant shade of yellow.

As night draws closer, Little Bronwyn decides her campsite needs more protection and coverage, in case it rains, or a wild Tokota wishes to attack them in their sleep. So, she quickly digs a hole into the tree’s roots, to give Bronwyn and her chicken friend a bit of protection. She went around to the surrounding trees to collect the underbrush and fallen limbs. Her chicken friend stares at her as she brings over each limb, branch, and twig she can find over, slowly building a makeshift shelter for the pair of them. The chicken, clearly bored of watching Bronwyn build a shelter, starts to pluck the yellow petals off the sunflower. Bronwyn, although preoccupied with building, notices her misbehaving chicken and gives it a low growl until it stops plucking the petals.

Little Bronwyn finishes building her and her friend's shelter for the night. She feels very sleepy but the soft clucking of her friend is just barely keeping her awake. She keeps thinking of today and the amazing adventure she had in one day; her first real attempt at fishing, her new flower discovery, and finishing her night by making her and her companion safer at night. Today was a good day, she thinks quietly before letting her head fall onto her paws, asleep.