A Real Monster

4 years, 2 months ago

Bella cringed away farther, shaking her head with hands still over her eyes. "You're a monster, you know that? A real terrible beast."

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Bella blinked, groggily scrubbing the sleep from her eyes. She had rolled around half asleep for nearly an hour now, blankets ensnared and wrapped around her limbs as the sun crept higher and higher into the early sky. Sleep would not embrace her again yet she was not graced with waking up fully either. Mornings sucked, they always had, they always would. Sighing with defeat she began to unwrap herself from her makeshift cocoon, feet hitting the rough hotel carpet to pull her up. Hunched and rather zombie-like she dragged herself into the kitchen, blinking as she stared at the person already occupying it.

Leaning on the counter was Marika, idly eyeing an electric kettle as it came to a high boil. She looked how Bella felt, unkempt knotted frizzy hair, wrinkled pajamas, bags under her eyes and a lack of energy to keep her upright. There was, at least, a shared hatred of mornings shared on this day. "What are you up to?" Bella asked, coming up beside her to lean on the counter as well, giving a passing glance over the cheap mismatched mugs set on the countertop near the kettle. Marika blinked, making brief eye contact before smiling.

She unfolded her arms and leaned back, waving two old looking paper bags that seemed to be enlarged sugar packets. "I was hungry-Our supplies are low so I dug through the hotel drawers, and found hot chocolate packages." She sounded excited, as if the products she found weren't left by Arceus knows who to collect dust. Bella, personally was less horrified by the dusty packets and more appalled by the kettle.

"And you intend to make hot chocolate… With water?" She asked, approaching the question hesitantly as if it were a blasphemous thought.

Marika blinked, then snorted before reaffirming Bella's greatest nightmares "Yes, that is how you make hot chocolate after all."

"No, it's not… This is an act against everything right in the world." She replied instantly, suddenly very awake.

"Read the packets, they have instructions for boiling water." Marika replied curtly, also feeling the rush of verbal warfare awakening her.

Bella placed a hand over her chest, her personal morals being challenged so blatantly. "Nestle is wrong Marika! Anyone can tell you hot cocoa is meant to be made with milk!"

"So that I get indigestion and feel ill? No thanks, milk makes it way too creamy, upsets my stomach. With water I get the great taste without the queasiness." She dismissed the proposal of milk with a wave of her hand, rolling her eyes with the action to punctuate it.

"It is not anyone's fault that you cannot handle the superior drink of hot chocolate made with milk. To drink it with water is a crime against humanity…" She covered her eyes dramatically pulling away "I thought you were better than this."

The kettle gave a high pitched ding, to which marika grinned at. Slowly she tore the tops of the packets off, pouring one into each mug while making fierce eye contact with the horrified Bella. Then came the boiling water, to which Bella could no longer stomach the sight. She turned away, hands pressed tightly over her eyes "I can't watch this…"

Marika cackled maliciously behind her, stirring the cups with the same metal spoon that made loud clicks against the sides of the cups. She made a slurping noise, despite the drinks being far too hot to actually consume. "Wow this hot chocolate made with water is so delicious. Mmmm the great taste of water and sugar."

Bella cringed away farther, shaking her head with hands still over her eyes. "You're a monster, you know that? A real terrible beast." 

Marika approached from behind, gently wrapping her arms around her and pulling her close. She nuzzled into her shoulder, her grin practically readable through contact alone. She laughed breathily, a gentle noise that tickled Bella's ear. "Oh you know me, the big bad wolf." She pressed a kiss to the side of her head, gently rocking them idly in place a moment before speaking again. "What antagonist does that make you then hm?"

Bella pulled her hands away from her eyes, leaning into the hug despite the very real annoyance over the beverages. "Antagonist?"

"Yup-" Marika popped the p, unnecessarily placing emphasis on the word. "The war of the big bad wolf and… Hmm…" She cocked her head, pausing their swaying as she put more thought than necessary into which fairy tale antagonist Bella would be.

She snorted and rolled her eyes "I think I'm just Bella here, and the big bad wolf is harassing me about her poor choices in drink."

Marika chucked once more before pulling away, turning to the mugs and lifting them both up. She offered the smaller of the two out to Bella, a short fat metal red mug with white speckles splattered across it. "Try it at least."

Hesitantly she took the mug from her, squinting at it with suspicion. Marika was already sipping at hers with a satisfied look on her face, expectantly waiting for her to try the cursed drink. With a resigned sigh she pressed it to her lips, taking a long sip of the drink.

"THIS TASTES LIKE SHIT-" She cried out, slamming the drink on the counter and glaring at the sinner that had created the monstrosity who only cackled a crooked laugh in return.