A Little Bedazzle

4 years, 2 months ago

The world would be a much brighter place if it was doused in glitter, my friends would argue, however, glitter gets stuck in places I would rather not think about in public- therefore I contend that rhinestones would be a much better substitute for the job.

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The world would be a much brighter place if it was doused in glitter, my friends would argue, however, glitter gets stuck in places I would rather not think about in public- therefore I contend that rhinestones would be a much better substitute for the job. It's much less messy, and yeah, the rhinestones can fall off, but they are much easier to pick up and throw away than the small flecks of glitter that come off at the gentlest of touch.

My obsession with bedazzled items stems from the fact that I am the embodiment of a crow with a broad fashion statement. I love shiny things and will do everything I can to get my hands on them, which has gotten me into quite a bot of trouble. I guess the staff do not like it when I steal the bedazzled backpacks and sneakers the younger girls leave by my stall when they visit for their weekly group lessons. I had hoped it would make them realize that I wanted a bejeweled halter, much more fashionable and high-end than the other members of the herd, but alas nothing has come of it... yet. In fact, I have many more ideas up my sleeve than just stealing items, and I have no problem employing them when the opportunity presents itself. Many of my closest friends find my obsession to be too much, moaning and whining how they would kill me if they found any sort of rhinestones caught in their hooves when getting their daily cleanings, but the more attention that I draw, the happier I will be.

I must admit, I am a sucker for attention, wanting as many eyes on me as possible at all times. Whether it be lady or gentleman or anyone in between, the feel of their eyes on me a welcoming feeling, especially the eyes of those I fancy. There's plenty of pretty faces here at the stables, thank the heavens for such a large herd, and I seem to always get my fill of attention one way or another- even if I have to work a little to get it. I can usually get the attention I so desperately crave through flirting or through physically getting in their face when they attempt to ignore me. Flirting is fun only when it's reciprocated, the flustered ones not really my type- it's the confident and headstrong ones that I prefer; like Jax or Stephano, though I have to say Kirin is quite the cutie himself when he's in a more domineering mood.

Back to the rhinestones- I truly believe everyone should have a bit of shine to their halters or at least their name plaques on the stall doors. All of our halters match atrociously- the color is fine, the softest champagne and honestly what a power move on their staff's part with that color choice! However, other than the classy coloration, there is no other defining factor about them; no name embroidery, no design or hint of rhinestones. Just a plain old champagne halter that I'd rather die than wear out into the public eye. Maybe I can get my friends to sign some sort of petition, though I am sure considering we don't have hands that may prove a bit difficult!

Now that I think of it, maybe Dorado and his friends will join me in stealing more backpacks.