
5 years, 10 months ago

When the young princess overheard some nobles "noting" that she didn't have any cheek marks, Syzigia tries to ask her mom about it. She is 4 years old in the time of this story.

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It was a very peaceful day in Mewni, with the young Queen sorting some papers that needed attention in the throne room. The years passed fast and her resolve of ending the conflict between monsters and mewmans are now bearing some fruit but as is still a very slow process, she probably would not see any immediate results. As the Queen was thinking about the papers, a small noise of little feet began to echo through the room. She finally diverted a little attention to the floor to find her little visitant.

- Mom! What does being a princess means? - The small voice in the room was coming from the first child of Queen Star Butterfly, Syzigia. In the small red dress that her grandmother gave her with the hair arranged with a flower crown, the young girl was a very bright spot in the gigantic and fairly empty room.

- Hello sweetheart, I think it depends! - Said the Queen looking away from her papers for a second. - What you think about it, Sia?

- I think princesses are boring. - Star laughed and the Syzigia potted offended. - Mom!

- Sorry, I just found a little funny how you do think about this. Aren't you a princess too? - Syzigia took a time to think before answering.

- Yeah but I don't wait for someone to save me in tower and I don't want to sleep for a loooong time. So I'm not boring! - Star smiled and carefully sit down with her daughter in the step way.

- And I never said you were, sweetheart. You'll see Sia, princess are unique in their own ways.

- Why? - Star patted the girl's head, thoughtful.

- Because they do their very best. They all work to achieve better things for their people without losing their ideals and beliefs. Without losing themselves.

- I don't understand, mom. - Syzigia whined a little. And Star laughed again causing the young child to make a look of disappointment quite familiar to Star. She stills blames Marco for it.

- You don't have to understand this right now, sweetheart. You're still a child, you have all time to learn and be yourself! - The queen got up, screeting her body a little bit from the bad angle she was until now. Syzigia accompanied, making a cute little scene for a bystander if anyone saw it. As Star was going back to the throne, Syzigia suddenly got quiet. - What's wrong, Sia?

- Mother, are... Are you sure I'm a princess? - The question made Star stop in her tracks. Looking at her daughter she could only find the little girl looking the floor as if she was ashamed of something.

- Sweetheart what silly question is this? Of course you are! You are my daughter, my and your father's child. - She visible flinched and walked up to her mom in the throne with a serious look in her face. Star just stood there, as the girl asked a question that no one could yet answer.

- Then, why don't I have any cheek marks?