New Live [Blood Curse]

4 years, 2 months ago

How Sunshadow got his name.

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Thistleleaf laid in the nursery, staring into the darkness. Two warm little bodies were nestled into her belly fur. She still felt so very cold. There was supposed to be another body lying next to her. She sighted and thought back to the day her kits were born. 

It started as such a good day, it was sunny outside and she said goodbye to her mate Sunheart who was on his way to the first morning patrol. Only a short while after he went away, the pain in her belly begun and the next thing she knew were two little bodies who were drinking milk eagerly from her belly. She was so happy and couldn't wait for Sunheart to see their kits. They would name their kits together, she knows he'll know just the perfect ones for them.

But then everything went wrong fast. There were cries of mourning out in the camp and she didn't know what was happening. She wasn't strong enough to stand up already and also still needed to give her warmth to her kits. Thistleleaf hoped her mate would be back soon and tell her what happened.

On the evening of that day, a good friend of hers came in the nursery. Sunheart died on the patrol. They encountered a dog and while defending an apprentice he got between the fangs of it. He was dead before they even got him back to camp.

Thistleleaf couldn't even go out to lay next to him one last time, because she had to stay in the nursery with her kits. She was devastated. The days flew by and she stared in the darkness most of them. She was still eating, just so her kits would survive. They were the only thing she had left of her mate now, even if no one of them had the same beautiful ginger fur that their father was gifted with.

When she heard a tiny mew next to her, she got snapped out if her thoughts again. This happened to her often in the last time. She just thought of good moments she had with Sunheart and the next time she got out of her memories another day had gone by.

Thistleleaf looked down to her belly and suddenly her eyes widened in shock. Looking up to her were two small amber eyes, that just reminded her so much of her mate. She stared quietly in those eyes until she realized that that was her little son with these eyes looking up to her.

"Mommy?" the little black cat mewed and she couldn't hold back a calm purr. She hadn't purred in such a long time "Yes, I'm your mommy little one" Thistleleaf said and licked his head. She looked to her other kit, it was about to open its eyes too. It was smaller than the black one and it's fur sticking out everywhere made it look like a little beetle. Sunheart always liked playing with beetles when they were apprentices. How could she miss their kits opening their eyes for the first time?

Suddenly she just knew the right names for them. "Your name will be Beetlekit" she murmured in the direction of the kitten still nuzzling in her belly and then she looked again to the black one, who was slowly looking around the dark den "And your name will be Sunkit. You will be a great warrior, exactly like your father"

Sunheart would live on through their little kit. 'My love, do you hear me? Have you seen our little kits? I hope you have and I hope you like their names' she thought and looked up, even if she couldn't see the stars from down here.

Author's Notes

(I will probably edit this in the future, since I'm not really happy with the writing anymore.)