Out Of The Darkness [Blood Curse]

4 years, 2 months ago

The first time Sunkit and Beetlekit left the nursery.

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Sunkit had crouched down on the ground of the nursery. He had fixated a feather with his eyes, and followed it while it slowly floated down. He wagged his hindquarters a bit before jumping up and catching the feather with his forepaws, 'killing' it with a bite. Then he looked up with the feather in his mouth and walked towards Thistleleaf. She was staring at the nursery walls again. "Mommy? Look I caught a feather for you. Have you seen how I caught it? Do you think I'll be a good hunter like dad?" he said and waited for an answer, though she didn't even seem to realize that he had spoken. His shoulders and ears sagged down from their proud position.

Then Sunkit felt a small paw poking him on his shoulder and he looked over to his sibling Beetlekit. "I thought you did an awesome catch" she said quietly, trying to cheer him up a bit again.

"Thanks" he said nuzzling against their cheek. He looked back to his mother once again before he laid the feather in front of Beetlekit "It's yours if you want to have it" Beetlekit looked down to the feather and took it "I would be glad to" they said and laid it on her sleeping place.

Sunkit then looked to the entrance of the nursery and said "What do you think is outside there?"

"I don't know ... it's probably dangerous" they said and walks to Sunkit again. "I think we should see for ourselves" Sunkit said and his sibling looked at him with wide eyes "We can't just go out! Mother wouldn't allow that"

"Oh yeah?" Sunkit asked "Well let's ask her" he said and walked nearer to their mother "Mother are we allowed to go outside? If not just tell us"

They both waited but their mother still stays quiet. "See" he said "She has nothing against it. Come on"

"Wait, Sunkit! We can't just go out. Just because mother doesn't says anything it doesn't means that it is save to go outside" Beetlekit said with concern and Sunkit looked to them again.

"Don't worry. The only cat that's bigger than me is mother. I can defend you from any great danger lurking out there" he said and ruffled through their fur with one if his paws.

"Well ... alright" Beetlekit then said reluctantly.

Sunkit walked to the entrance then, he felt Beetlekit close behind him. He walked bravely through out of the nursery, his eyes went wide and he was frozen in his place as soon as he could see around. Everywhere were cats and everything was so big! He realized also soon that really every cat was bigger then them and suddenly he felt really small.

His sibling looked over his back, but not going more out of the nursery. He looked around and noticed the eyes of the other cats were slowly turning to them. His fur stood on end and his ears laid flat on his head. Who were all these cats?

One of them slowly came towards them and he considered going back inside at first, but the cat looked friendlier than he expected so he stayed still. Though he was ready to dart back inside immediately.

"Well hello you two!" the big older cat said cheerfully "Are you finally allowed to meet the other members of ShadowClan?"

Sunkit looked wary at the big cat. There were more cats in ShadowClan then just their mother and father? "Other members?" he heard the tiny voice of Beetlekit behind him.

"Of course. All of the cats you can see here" the big cat looked at them pitying. Sunkit didn't like that look.

"So how are your names small ones?" they then said.

"Well I don't think that's any of your business" he hissed at the cat who looked a bit taken aback by his words.

Sunkit felt his sibling coming to stand next to him "Don't be so mean to them Sunkit" they mewed before hesitantly looking up to the big cat "My name's Beetlekit" They then poked his shoulder again "And that's my brother Sunkit"

The older cat looked surprised to Sunkit for a second before purring and then looking to Beetlekit "Those are nice names. Well, then welcome outside you two. My name is Robinspot. You want me to show you around?"

"Yes!" Beetlekit mewed loudly, now getting excited. Sunkit still wasn't so sure about all of these new things around him, but he nodded anyways.

"Then come on you two! Let me introduce you to the other ones"

Author's Notes

(I will probably edit this in the future, since I'm not satisfied with the writing anymore.)