Lurking In The Shadows [Blood Curse]

4 years, 2 months ago

Explicit Violence

Sunpaws first successful kill.

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The night was slowly arriving at the forest and the shadows of the trees therefore got bigger and bigger until everything was turned into darkness. Sunpaw loved the darkness that stretched over their territory, though this time he didn’t had enough time to enjoy the walk through the woods. He had a mission after all.

His first target where the patches of mint, that grew a bit away from camp. When he arrived there he rolled in it until his whole scent was covered with the scent of mint before he continued on his way. Sunpaw slowly went back to camp and waited in hiding a bit away from the entrance, watching it closely.

A while later an older she-cat could be seen that wandered out of camp and into the forest, Sunpaw carefully followed her path. He always stayed in the shadows, making sure to not step on any dry twigs. He had observed her since Honeystar had told him about his new duty and Sunpaw knew when she always would take a walk out in the woods. His mentor had taken him aside one day and offered him to be Honeystars assassin in the future, if he proved himself to be worthy. He wanted to stay beside his mentor, so he was proud that he got this offer and took it immediately. This she-cat was his first target and it was important that he didn’t screw this up.

The she-cat stood still for a moment and so did he. When she looked around he immediately made himself smaller in the shadows and closing his eyes. The amber color would reveal him too easily so he only used his ears now to make out if she got closer or not. Lucky for him, she just started walking again after the short pause. He opened his eyes and followed her again until they were near the end of their territory. Now was his best chance.

Sunpaw slowly crept closer and then attacked. He sprung at her back to tackle her down and held between her shoulders, while the other got to her mouth. She had to be quiet. It was hard for him to hold her down, since she was a lot more experienced then him. He turned her a bit and sank his teeth into her throat as soon as it was open for him to attack. She now was fighting back even stronger and he could feel her claws ripping his ear and scratching over his nose, but after a while the fighting got weaker and weaker until it died out completely. 

His breathing was heavy and he was afraid to let go yet, he wanted to be sure she was dead before he did finally released her. Her head hit move less on the ground and the blood was now freely seeping out of her wound. 

He had done it. He had succeeded at his task!

Sunpaw looked down again at the she-cat he had known since he first got out of the nursery. He had killed a Clan mate, he had broken the Warrior Code. He took a few steps back, suddenly realizing what impact his actions had made. He watched the blood form a pool on the ground. He should feel bad shouldn’t he? 

He looked up to the stars, most of them covered from big heavy clouds, before looking on the dead body in front of him again. But he didn’t felt bad, he felt pretty good actually. Sunpaw grinned and walked closer to the body again, Honeystar would be so proud.

He leaned down and made sure his scent really wasn’t anywhere near her before he searched for the stick covered in fox smell he had prepared specifically for this. He took it between his jaws and then proceeded in rubbing the fox smell all over the she-cats limp body. When he thought it was enough he made the wound on her throat a bit bigger and messier so it looked more like the wound a fox would make. He still had the stick in his jaws when he began to cover his paw prints and then started to walk towards the small stream that was running through their territory. There he threw in the stick and washed the scent of mint away from his fur.

Sunpaw dried his fur as best as he could and started his way back to ShadowClan camp, rolling in a scant marker to get the ShadowClan scent back on his fur before sneaking back into camp and the warriors den. He then laid down in his nest and closed his eyes. The job was done, he could sleep now and tomorrow he would report to his mentor.

Author's Notes

(I will probably edit this in the future, because I'm not satisfied with the writing anymore.)