Narthex Species Info

4 years, 2 months ago

I originally started this in one of my notebooks, but I guess I threw away the page, so i will be brainstorming about my species here. (Really mad that I can't find that page because I wrote a lot of good stuff lol, so bear with me while I try to reorganize my thoughts)

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Basic Description

The Narthex are an ancient race of Alien Dragonoids that were once very powerful, but have mostly died out by the time humans have evolved on earth. This means that the Narthex race is significantly older than that of earth, and even older than the race of Methane Fish.

An individual calls himself a "Narthex". A group of them will call themselves "Narthecies". However, the Race itself is culturally always called The Narthex or the Narthex Race.


This is a basic timeline of Narthex history

  • 5000 million years before present time - The Narthex reaches the peak of its kingdom among a cluster of planets orbiting a distant star
  • 4400 million years before present time - The Narthex suffers a planetary war, severing the alliance of its peoples
  • 65 million years-30 thousand years before present time - roughly 64,970,000 years of earth time, this is known as the "Era of Peace" among the galaxy. The Narthex war has ended in a cease-fire and many of the population has died. Fortunately, many still live in harmony on their own respective planets, but the Narthex solar system is divided. Planetary travel is restricted. Life among the Lyftmoles remains mostly unchanged.
  • 4300 BC - Narthex Race skirmishes occur again among the planets due to resources beginning to run out
  • 2000 BC - The Narthex have exhausted all resources and the planetary war ends. After a huge loss of the population, the Narthex Race is now scarce.
  • 1510 AD - Narthex Planets crumble away from old age. The Narthex race now live on other planets, among other races, and are highly rare creatures.

If you would like to view a full timeline of events and the history of my headworld universe, click HERE

Most Narthex created will exist before 1510 AD and have birthdates before this time. If you have a Narthex character, they can exist beyond this time, but the lore will be that they are RARE BEINGS!

In the time of Lakeguts (After 3255 AD) there is a rumor floating around the galaxy that Giuseppe is the only remaining Narthex.

Physical Traits

Narthex beings are tall dragonoid like anthropomorphic creatures. Taller than Methane Fish and very very very much taller than humans. They are omnivorous and can eat both plant and animal matter, as well as some minerals. They are muscular, lean and extremely strong. Since they are canonically rare, Narthex hardly exist in the galaxy, and most people don't believe a Narthex when he claims his lineage. The tail and the hook traits are especially important when identifying a narthex.

  • HAIR: The Narthex species normally has a rough skinlike texture to their bodies. Narthecies can be bald, but most usually have a crop of hair on top of their head to prevent from sun damage (in the same way that Methanes do). They can also have manes and hair can appear in various parts of the body such as elbows, pubic, underarm and facial hair. The hair of a narthex is very coarse and strong, not usually soft to the touch. (Think Boar hair) Hair pattern traits are listed as follows:
    • Bald / Bare
    • Head only
    • Mane only
    • Head + Mane
    • Full (fur on body)
  • GROWTHS: In addition to hair, it is common for Narthecies to have a sort of growth on their bodies that make them semi-unique. These growths will appear on any random parts of the body, but are commonly seen on the spinal area of the back, on the cheeks and on the limbs. Some combinations of growth traits can also occur. Growths can appear in the following forms:
    • Spikes (hard bone-like growths)
    • Spines (semi-soft but rigid)
    • Tendrils (soft and worm-like)
    • Prehensile Tendrils (soft worms that can move)
    • Prehensile spikes (rare and ancient movable horns)
    • Luminous (glowing lure-like growths)
  • WINGS: Narthex individuals are related to mythical dragons in the sense that they can be born with or without wings. Narthecies contain a small bit of magic within them that can also allow for small flight even without the use of wings, but this ability must be learned. Wing traits:
    • Wings (small, medium or large)
    • Wingless (no flight)
    • Casted (with or without wings, using magic as an aid to fly)
  • TAILS: The tail is one of the single most important traits of a Narthex because the Narthex uses its tail to fight, court a mate, gain social status and even balance when walking. Narthex tails are commonly large. They almost ALWAYS appear to be misshapen. This is because a Narthex tail is used a lot in its life. They will have many lumps, dents and appear to have broken bones in them. It does not hurt the narthex, but rather gains him respect. Scars, bruises and amputated parts are also common
    • Single (regular tail)
    • Split (a single tail that ends in a split)
    • Twin (two tails with separate bases)
    • None (EXTREMELY rare)
    • Short (born with an abnormal tail, or the tail has been amputated or docked. RARE)
  • HOOK: Every narthex has another important trait called the Hook, which is a fifth digit on the hind foot that resembles a thumb. This hook almost always has a long claw on it that gives it its name. Hooks can be:
    • Stunted (thumb is present, but claw is not)
    • Normal (prominent thumb and claw)
    • Spur (claw grows from the ankle but thumb isnt really present)
    • None (no claw or thumb, RARE)
  • TRANSVERSE: This is the part of the chest that determines if a Narthex is female or male. NARTHECIES can NOT have breasts with nipples. Their young feed on same food as adults shortly after they are born. Instead, a female Narthex will have smaller and thinner bodies with:
    • Plates (armor-like coverings on the chest)
    • Fur (an outcrop of hair)
    • Scutes (scale like coverings)
    • Mound (chest area appears bare, but no nipples are present, RARE AS HECK)
    • Male/Plain/Bare (Designated to males: they cant have plates or scutes but will occasionally grow chest hair)
  • SNOUT: This includes the mouth and nasal area that makes up the front of the face.
    • Bat (like Driveshaft, the nose has an upward point)
    • Long (like Giuseppe's, its very sleek and square shaped)
    • Pointed (More like a traditional Dragon snout, the mouth area has a bit of a beak shape)
  • EARS: Narthex ears are commonly long, and always made of a fleshy cartilage. They're always ribbed on the inside and the inner flesh colors match that of the innards and soft membranous tissue (mouth for example). Very versatile and their hearing is extremely sharp. Canonically, nothing can hear better than a Narthex except for Ai.
    • Long (Common)
    • Short
    • Cropped (or No ears. Very rare. Giuseppe has this trait)
    • Tufts (Ears are tipped with a bit of hair/fur)
    • Flanges (Ears are tipped with extra cartilage, see Driveshaft for example)
Coloration: Can be anything. Neon or natural colors, with ANY markings, any blood color, eye color etc. They can literally be sparkledragon dudes if you want.
  • Additional note about Age: Narthex colors may dull with age and the older members of the species have washed out colors that appear white, greyish or pastel in color. (Compare Driveshaft to Giuseppe)
  • Season: Colors are capable of changing according to Winter and Summer seasons, and this is mostly apparent in the HAIR or MANE colors of the specie, but feel free to make a summer/winter palette if you wish. (Giuseppe has an example)

Nave: The blood and heart of the Narthex is collectively called the Nave, and this is used when describing their blood color. A Narthex speaking about his lover might say, "I feel her warmth splendidly within the pit of my nave"

Altar: The brain, thoughts, memories and dreams of the Narthex is collectively called the Altar. A narthex on headaches:  "His youngest child causes him great pain in his Altar"

Relationships and Reproduction

The species has the same viewpoints on courtship that humans do. They can be loyal or they can be unfaithful. They can have multiple partners or be monogamous. Most Narthex of the Formation Era valued inner-species relationships with each other. Modern Narthex have different views and like to explore relationships outside of their species. They can mate with other species and produce offspring, but the Narthex genes are recessive (the offspring will resemble more of the non-Narthex parent). Family units stay rather small, usually consisting of the two parents and only a single offspring. They can have more children, but most will choose to only raise one child at a time. If the family has two children, they will usually encourage the oldest child to start becoming independent outside of his family unit.


Male Narthecies have a ribbed penis without a sheath or foreskin. It is protected enough by the ribs and semi-thick skin. It can lay flaccid when he is calm, and become hard when he is aroused in the same way a human does. The testicles are standard, similar to a humans. Female Narthecies have a vulva similar to a human female as well and they give birth vaginally. Mating is preferred to be done missionary style, due to the presence of wings on some members of the species and to keep the large tail out of the way. Modern Narthecies (after the Formation Era) have experimented with other positions, but this is better achieved through copulation with a partner of a different specie. Semen is of standard color. Pubic hair can also be present (as stated under the hair section). The color of the penis and vagina area is usually the same as the other inner membrane color, for example, it matches the inner ear, innards, mouth and nostrils. Males and females have a standard anus area the same as humans, and can also engage in anal sex if they so desire. Sexual play and social mating are common (not just used to reproduce like other animals).

Female Narthex will carry a pregnancy to term within a womb similar to a human and give birth after one full planetary year. The young whelps are strong, independent and already capable of crawling soon after birth. They eat meat and insects in the same manner that their parents do, but the mother usually makes sure the pieces offered are small. They do NOT breastfeed as Narthecies are NOT mammalian. Children grow fast into young adults. When they reach adult stage, they age rather slowly, but the conditions of the planet they reside on usually determine their age span. Regardles, the Narthex are typical of living VERY VERY long lifespans.