Is This What Love Feels Like?

4 years, 2 months ago

A romantic short story of Deepblue and Greenbean on a date!

Written by PhonyPeony(TH) / Flowerfricker(DA)

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It was a quarter past nine, and Deep Blue was, no doubt, a bit anxious. He had been prepping his house for Green Bean's arrival for the last hour, preparing at the last minute as per usual. He sighed, stepping into the bathroom and looking himself over in the mirror. He had thrown on his usual outfit - a black hoodie and sweat pants.

I look fine, right?

He stroked his mane back, smirking at his reflection.

Who am I kidding .. I look real fine!

He struck a smug pose, his chin tilted towards the ceiling - and nearly toppled over when he heard a loud knock at the door. The other was persistent, knocking again, and again.

" Chill, I'm coming!" Blue huffed, feeling his body tense up.

He dashed for the door, jerking it open. Green Bean immediately tackled him into a hug, and he felt his face heat up.

" Blue!!" Green chirped, running his fingers through the lower section of Blue's mane. He pressed his face into the stallion's shoulder.

" G .. Green! What are you--" the other backed up, his face flushed dark red.

" Whoops, too much?" the pastel stallion inquired with a grin.

" No! I can take it!" Blue bit back defensively - he grew more flustered after realizing how silly he was being, shaking away the feeling with a soft smile.

Green Bean chuckled, padding past Blue " You had your chance!"

He tagged after Green, shrugging, " Well, guess that puts a damper on movie night .."

The other stiffened, " Ooh, movie night? Fine, you get another chance. But you better make up for .. whatever that was. You didn't even hug me back!"

" I didn't expect you to barrel into me, okay?" Blue laughed, falling back onto his sofa, " Besides .. I will."

Green took a seat just beside him; the pegasus already felt his face warming up again. He flipped on the tv, turning on a movie he'd heard his boyfriend mention before.

" I love this movie!" Green exclaimed as expected, " Its got the best ending - have you seen it?"

" Nope! I think I saw some clips, though .."

" Damn. As long as they didn't spoil the ending, we're all good."

" Heh, we're good then," Blue enjoyed Green's enthusiasm, it was adorable.

They watched the film for a bit. Blue thought it was pretty strange, but he didn't say anything. Green would occasionally bring up something he hadn't paid much attention to, and he had to pretend he had a clue what it meant. He was too busy sneaking glances at Green's face out of the corner of his eye to focus.

" This part's kinda goofy, but I like it," the smaller stallion proclaimed, leaning his head on Blue's shoulder. Blue tensed up, and expected Green to feel it and pull away again, but he didn't.

" I don't think it's goofy at all!" Blue absentmindedly replied shortly after the shock. For a moment, he contemplated placing his arm around Green. The thought made him pretty nervous - how would Green react? What would he do next? The pegasus took a deep breath .. and wrapped his arm around Green's torso. The earth pony's orange eyes widened. He turned to Blue, gazing up at him with a wide smile. Blue returned the smile, though it was a bit awkward, and Green scooted closer.

" I love you Deep Blue," he murmured against the stallion's neck with a blissful smirk. Blue's heart sped up.

" I .. I love you too, Green Bean," he pulled the other into a tight hug, blushing deeply. Green reeled back slowly, focusing on Blue's eyes alone, and the movie melted away into white noise. Blue gazed back, and without thinking, drew Green closer, until they were sharing a kiss.

" I think you've made up for the hug earlier," Green laughed, and Blue found himself chuckling too. They talked each other to sleep, and Blue woke up to find Green cradled in the nook of his arms.