Misc. Quotes, words, and scenarios from Hopeless

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
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Entry 1
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

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"For the first time in years, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light was hellfire." -Hopeless

Hope is a cry for help in the night. It beats the most loudly right up till the breathing stops.

It's ironic that I would be the Guardian of hope... Afterall it would seem like I have the least of it out of anyone I've met.... But to tell you the truth... Even when I thought I'd given up... I never stopped fighting. I thought I wanted to die but I wouldn't let myself actually do it. I didn't see any future for myself. I didn't see any light up ahead... all I saw was darkness. Still, I kept going. Maybe that's what hope really is. When you've lost all sense of belief and imagination but you still.... you still trust that something might change one day. It's that "what if" feeling. Except you don't have an answer. But you know that it could be something so you put all your strength into a "maybe". I think that is hope. Anything more might be mistaken for faith. Hope is for the ones who doubt but carry on nevertheless. Because maybe... just maybe if you keep walking you'll see a light up ahead one day. That is my hope.

Feb29th 2020

Knowing that if anything is possible.... the most terrible things.... than perhaps wonderful things can happen too.

"Sometimes a lie is kinder than the truth."

"I've never been a particularly good liar.. strange because I'm a wonderful bluffer. The two just aren't the same. In the past though it never mattered that my lies were bad. See, nobody cares if a nobody lies. The trouble is when they find out your somebody... and EVERYBODY cares if somebody lies.

March 22nd