Bisma VS. Agaet

4 years, 2 months ago
837 1

Explicit Violence

Bisma meets an unstoppable force on her quest to take out Jay in his penthouse, created in the Devil's Lab.

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Jay's mysterious Nightclub. It's the penthouse suite of his impressive tower near the center of the city. Where most of the original, and maybe new, funding of the Police force comes from. He's the man that pulls a lot of the strings in the back.

It was a glorious night for him, landing many deals that would secure him much longer time in charge. Little did he know, things were about to get a little heated.
Bisma's been after his head since the incident a while back before she was thrown out from the upper layer. Wanting to rip the smug smile off his lanky ass body. Now as the night. With policing at a record low, it'd be a quick drive through the upper town and straight into his building. It's a tall tower, a sturdy one at that. Nothing like that's gonna bring it down, besides... She wants to see that man's face as she brings it all down. Jay knew something was up. Between the slight rattle of the windows and the CCTV footage showing a wrecked first floor. He knew and he Waited. With a snap, he had one of his trusted staff stand behind him as he faced the stairwell.
It was an easy climb to the top, despite it being easily over 50 stories tall. She practically melted the stairwell on her way up, seething in her usual rage. A quick job she thought. The way the door broke open from the inside and her to be met with a bouldersized fist to the face... immediately proved that wrong. She barely held her ground, clinging onto the fist for dear life as she was pulled into the room for all to see. Bureaucrats and other high ranking officials looking on with smug looks and bemuse as Jay showcases his next toy to show off. "Ladies and Gents... as a toast for our new deal, I bring you a lovely show."
Bisma had no time to think, as the man she was being held onto by smashed her into the wall, sending her through to the other side, landing in the kitchen. She recollected her bearings, very disoriented from the head hitting but still focused enough to dodge her assailant and finally get a look at him. A... Monster.
A sun entity at birth, but something about him was completely unnatural. His bodyshape was distorted and contorted, grossly muscular in the torso area with shorter legs keeping him up. His arms were the size of steel girders, and felt like steel as well. His face was taken by a massive mask that only showed his eyes and mouth. He yelled as he continued after her, smashing everything in his way, his dress suit getting ripped apart in the progress. Showing off the intense scarring around the chest area. Bisma was terrified for the first time in a while.
But in this situation it's either fight or die, and she had no intent of dying so fight it is. Spear in hand, she went for the only place that looked weak. The Chest. Oops.
She was met with the crushing blow of his fist on her body, sending her back into the room. Writhing in agony on the floor. Too many hits... too much pain. She scrambled to her feet, barely standing up, making eye-contact with a smug Jay. Wine swirling in his glass, he made a cheering motion with it toward her before taking his sip. Sending herself into a fury, her eyes darted back to the monster chasing her, barreling toward her with a monstrous rage. It's as if there was a Critter living within his body.
It was a very one sided fight, she barely could pierce his membrane with her spear. Tanking many of her hits, blows, and flames. Looking very grim. It wasn't until she tried shooting him that she realized her blunt force approach to fights wouldn't do her any good here.
With his wall of a hand, he stopped her shot with ease. Holding it over the barrel as she shot, all the fire and bullets going into him. Nothing. She nearly fell to her knees right then and there seeing him basically brushing it off. He stood over her, like a towering monolith. Exhaling a puff of superheated steam from his unnaturally wide maw. Eyes glaring down in sheer malice down at her. She saw herself in those eyes... but something about them was very very alien to her. A hatred unseen, unfelt by even her.
He grabbed her by the neck, lifting her up. She looked at Jay once again. All the more bemused about this spectacle. With a simple flick of the head to the side, she was thrown from the top of the building. The sound of glass shattering echoed in her ears as she fell from the top floor, the last thing she saw before blacking out was the silhouette of the freak that defeated her so ruthlessly. Blacking out halfway down.