Status in the Pride

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
2 913

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

Why did Cuore choose to be a Healer? What is it like?

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Part 1

When Cuore first arrived at the pride, it was because Jiwe and Maji had caught him trespassing in pride territory, and they had gotten into a scuffle. Nasaba had been surprised at the damage the rogue had managed to inflict, and though they were skeptical of the odd cat's appearance in their territory, once Cuore explained he'd assumed they were like a hostile pride he had met much earlier on, they relaxed a bit. After all, it explained why he had immediately gone on the offense; he had simply been trying to protect himself. When Nasaba called for Mzatamo to take care of the three of them, Cuore had been eager to see what they had in terms of medicine; he and the Healer fell into conversation quite easily as they discussed medicine, both getting something out of the encounter. The other three were all surprised to see a rather fearsome fighter know so much about medicines and healing.

Nasaba insisted Cuore stick around for a few days to heal, especially when he heard that lion legitimately had nowhere to go. He took quite the interest in watching the pride, obviously intrigued by the entire set up, and stuck close to Mzatamo especially, learning some of his medical practices and teaching some of the ones he'd learned in his travels. After a few days had passed, Nasaba approached Cuore with the offer to stick around, which Cuore eagerly accepted, though he was obviously a bit surprised - and, if Nasaba was reading him correctly, honored - to have received such an invitation. Nasaba was happy to have him though, and having seen him sparring with Maji a few times since his arrival, fully expected him to wish to be a Soldier when he asked what position Cuore would like to hold in the pride.

Needless to say, he was surprised - though not too surprised, when he thought about it later - when Cuore requested to be a Healer alongside Mzatamo, but Nasaba granted the request, realizing that Cuore was obviously patient about helping the pride's sick and injured. Besides, Cuore could still help in a fight if necessary.

What Nasaba, Mzatamo, and the rest of the Isle of Roses don't know is that there is more to Cuore's decision than a passion for medicine.

When he was younger, he was born to a leopard and a lion, though he himself had no leopard blood. When living with his family in a leopard colony, there was a prophecy, a prophecy that involved him. Cuore was declared to be a herald of disaster, one that foretold the destruction of his home so long as he was present. His parents managed to defend him for a bit, insisting he was simply a cub, but once he was old enough to go out on his own, things were put to a vote. Should Cuore be allowed to stay with the colony, even if it meant he destroyed them?