Firefly Campaign Short: Nadine, Pen and Indy 2

4 years, 1 month ago

This is a short scene from after Nadine vomited all over the table.

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Nadine thinks for a solid minute on how thoughtful Indy and Pen can be when they apply themselves -- a hangover cure is probably the most considerate thing she’s received in a very long time -- before she hears the scuffling outside her door. 

She can’t say she’s shocked, not from the behavior she has witnessed from them before. But Indy’s shout of alarm is enough for her to move over to the door and press the lock button, readying some kind of witty retort on her tongue. But it dies a quick death at the scene she witnesses.

Pen, on his knees, clutching Indy’s belt and pants, which are currently located somewhere around Indy’s knees. Indy, standing in the middle of the hallway, clutching a notebook in one hand, face redder than a tomato, looking absolutely mortified. Nellie, covering her face with her hands, wheezing in either laughter or fear. Eli, nearly bent double as she guffaws.

“Oh god, Nadine!” Eli gasps, clutching at her stomach as she struggles for air. “W-we didn’t mean to disturb you!”

Pen scrambles back to his feet, his face just as red as Indy’s as he gets as far back without looking like he’s fleeing. “W-w-we’re so sorry, Nadine! It’s just -- it’s just Indy and I -- he has my notebook you see -- I wanted to get my notebook back --”

“And you thought sucking his dick would get him to give it back?” Nadine flicks her gaze over Indy’s figure as Pen sputters into silence, covering his own face with his hands. “I’m no size queen, but you’ve got quite the package there, Indy. I’m shocked the ship doesn’t lose balance when you let that thing loose.”

“H-hey! It’s not-- I’m not that big!” Indy’s indignant screech does more for her mood than anything else they’ve tried. 

She smirks, leaning against the doorjamb. “Indy, honey, I’ve owned toys that size, for people who wanted a little more of a challenge.”

Nellie’s squeal and Eli’s scream make it really hard for her to keep her smirk, but she loves the way Indy’s face goes even redder as he tries to get his belt back in working order. “You know, if I had known your dick was that big, I wouldn’t have been so rude. It’s a wonder you’ve got such a cocky attitude. I think I’d behave the same way packing that kind of heat.”

She breaks when Indy and Pen take off, running in opposite directions no less, but she can’t help one last parting shot, in Pen’s direction. “Please, Pen, don’t be afraid to ask me for any pointers! I’m sure you can use that mouth for more than talking!”