Fact Files

4 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 7 months ago
4 2499

Entry 1
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

The fact files for the Victorian kids Extra info will be found on their pages

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General Information:

First Name: Arthur
Middle Name: Teilt
Surname: Fitzwilliam           né Wolf
Pronunciation: Are-th-ur   Tea-l-tuh   Fit-z- Will-e-am

Nicknames: Arth, Split, Double, Lord - Puppy + Kitten 
(Only by Lucius)
Title: Doctor (Dr)
Age: 28
Looks: Rather youthful
Birthday: 23rd May

Race: English
Species: Turnt Wereleopard
-Previously Human, this means his form is a lot smaller especially as it’s still early days in his new species.
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual, Panromantic

Current residence: London
Social Status: High Upper Class
-Previously Higher Middle Class
Relationship Status: Happily Married

Accent?: Faint British accent,
-comes out most when he’s angry or close to turning, and it comes out thicker
Known Languages: English, some German
Speech pattern: Polite and on the quite side; but when passionate or overtly emotional he tends to stutter and trip over words repeating them, as well as becoming louder.

Physical Appearance:

Height: 5ft 8inchs
Weight: 120lbs
Eye Colour: 
Left Sapphire Blue, Right Emerald Green
Skin tone: Pale Caucasian
Distinguishing features: Burn scar around his right eye that goes down his cheek and onto his neck. The scar from a bite mark on his throat, distinctly the shape of a leopards.
Body build: Skinny but not unhealthy thin
Hair colour: Blond on the left, a wine brown on the right
Hair style: Shorter, just past his jaw, and messy, rather fluffy looking
Posture: Tends to stand slightly folded in on himself due to anxiety
Tattoos/Piercings?: None
Fashion style: Traditional more middle class clothing. Always wearing greens, reds and blues all pared together, though normally more colder colours.
Specific Items: His green jacket that’s burnt at the bottom, he’s rarely seen not wearing it especially when he needs a jacket, as it was a parting gift from his guardian.


-His husband, Lucius
-Learning, forever learning, especially about the supernatural
-Pain, especially that from heat 
(His accident that created his burn kind of messed him up a bit)

-Interacting with actual people
-The hateful, judge-full and people too stuck in their ways
-Loud noises

Education: Well learnt, having even taken a doctorate at a younger age
Fears: That Lucius will change his mind about marrying him and leave him, viewing him as a freak.
Personal Goals: To unite the peoples and educate people about them all to stop the uneducated hate
General Attitude: Very open and understanding, wanting to accept anyone/thing first, safe until actually proven dangerous.

Religious Values: Christian, but loosely, he doesn’t worship nor really believe it

General intelligence: High, but he has some areas that he just can’t understand
General Sociability: Rather bad, even though he does try to be more social it’s just hard for him to interact with other people.

-He gets hyper fixated and focused on a project sometimes, when this happens he often forgets to even eat or sleep. Lucius has to deal with a groggy, drained, grumpy man when this happens
-He ignores rules and laws he doesn’t like.


Illnesses?: Leopard Lycanthropy
Allergies?: Unknown
-He maybe he doesn’t really try knew things, so who knows
Scars?: Changing bite on his throat
Other: His burn can get infected, so he has to make sure he keeps it clean and disinfects it daily as part of his morning routine.

Sleeping habits: Irregular
-Due to being rather addicted to his work, his husband being a vampire and he himself being a wereleopard
Energy Levels: Medium, if he’s inspired in a good mood then he’s unstoppable, if he’s not he’ll probably fall asleep at his desk within a few hours

Eating Habits: Iffy, he tries to eat good and healthy but sometimes he forgets to eat
Unhealthy habits?: He likes to get hurt, so often pushes himself way too far or goes into dangerous situations

Memory: Uncertain, some things he can remember clearly others he can’t remember. It really depends on whether it was something he enjoys or likes if not he’ll probably forget it.
He’s terrible at most names, can’t remember what he had for tea a few hours ago, but can recall facts back from his school years sometimes. It really does depend on a whole load of factors.


Birth Country: England
Hometown: London

Childhood: His parents were never actively there for him, when they died it didn’t really seem to affect him, probably due to the fact he barely knew the people so didn’t mourn them as parents, more as distant relatives.
Teen years: Being raised by his guardian, he grew even closer to him, and to fill the real void of lack of parental love he discovered science and it filled it as much as he could. His guardian loved him, but more as a brother so he didn’t really fill it, but he helped Arthur with his discovery of science.
Adult years: He further delves into his love for science and discovers the supernatural elements, wanting to learn about his two passions even though he has only just hit this life stage.

Family History: Unknown, he doesn’t really know that much about it himself, let alone tell others about it, he’s very closed off about his biological family.
Current time: While poking about at his two passions, he fell upon and accident, sabotaged which caused him his massive burn and when he first met Lucius. They got close and got to know each other, it wasn’t long into this time that he was bitten by a cat lycanthrope. He hid this from Lucius’ for a long time until his first real transformation (the process slowed as he forced himself to not accept it) which happened on the full moon that Lucius proposed to him on.


Parents: Unknown, Deceased
Siblings: None
Enemies?: Not really, he doesn’t like to make or label people as enemies, but a few people have labelled him such.
Children?: No
Friends: His Guardian, Lucius, Richard, a few work colleges that he’s kind of close with
Best Friend(s): Lucius
-Though Richard wants to hit this level
Important friends/relatives: His Guardian, the two became incredibly close due to their situation, they’re like a tight nit family.
Love interest?: Lucius, Husband


Peaceful or Violent: Peaceful, but would fight if he must
-Due to his current situation he’s now more likely to fight the wereleopard DNA not wanting him to surrender when he knows he wants to keep going.
Weapon?: None
Style: He’s not got one, but he’s not afraid to go dirty in his leopard form
Police Record?: Arrested for Public Protest, though he was only held for the night alongside a lot of other people all for the same cause.


Studied?: Science in general and genetics and supernatural in detail
Occupation: Scientist and house husband

Favourite foods: Spicy, rich variety of flavours not bland, he prefers vegetables and seafood.
Favourite drinks: Hot and simpler, likes things with coffee and milk in it, though he does like to drink from time to type.
Eating type: Prefers healthier food without meat in, but he won’t be overtly picky.

Hobbies: Practicing Piano, sketching
Guilty pleasures: Letting Lucius over feed from him

Pet peeves: Ignorant and judgemental people
Pets: None
Talents: Able to sprout a random science or supernatural fact at any given moment
Favourite colour: Specifically Green, but he also loves red and blue
Least favourite colour: He hates any over saturated colours.

Author's Notes

So, started it off with best boy,