Kripa Arc II

4 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 4 months ago
7 12805

Chapter 6
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

arc II of makutas storyline

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Author's Notes

1773 words

after their quarrel, makuta attacks ishtar in blind rage and she leaves him behind for good, together with her whelps. he takes revenge on the priestess and carries out his bad intentions on her. and finally he manages to find rahkshi, everything coming together as planned after all.

Blood For Blood

Makuta got up all of a sudden, the whelps crying in dismay for him to stay, but he just turned around and left the kobel, climbed down the tree and started walking towards the caves, Ishtar shortly behind him.

«You can't leave them now! Not after what happened to my girls!»

«This litter is a failed experiment. I needed proof but you cannot provide. It's probably not even me who's the problem but YOU. It was you all along. I'm gonna get what I want but not from you. Now go before I change my mind and make your bloodline end with you for good.»

He kept going, but the jill ran after him and he finally lost all patience. As she touched him, trying to hold him back, he turned towards her, mouth wide agape, his teeth showing. He pushed her back and punched his claws into her with wild abandon, leaving bloody marks on her usually vibrant, leaf colored pelt. His teeth dug into her flesh over and over again, the female screaming at the top of her lungs as blood splattered with every slash and bite. The attack came as a surprise to her, she never would've expected him to unleash such brutal wrath, at least not on her! She just couldn't get to her paws, lying helplessly on her back while he mauled her soft belly and throat again and again. When he was done letting out is anger on her, making it clear he never ever wanted to see her face again, he turned away without another word and kept going on his way, leaving his former partner behind in a pool of her own blood, one of her eyes glued shut from the red liquid and one of her legs twitching uncontrollably. But he left her alive. Not out of kindness, but out of respect for their past and to make sure she'd keep suffering for a while longer. Still, despite her feelings having been hurt and her body being in torment, it would never feel like that one time...

Breathing heavily, Ishtar touched the scar on her throat and remembered the moment she thought she'd die. And how back then, she was almost bleeding out as well. All alone, just like now. Only that she had been a mere adolescent back then. Not even fully grown and already fighting for her life. And she knew she was stronger now than she used to be and that she'd be able to take it, no matter what.

Shaking heavily the jill got up and limped back to the kobel, but fell off the tree as she tried to climb back up, hurting her back in the process as she crushed to the hard earth below. A cry of pain, a whimper. And for a moment she wondered if maybe she should just let go and die after all. Maybe she was never supposed to survive that raid back then and now her time had come. As she stayed laying on the ground, her breath getting slower and her tired eyes shutting, she felt herself drifting away, but something rattled her up again. The cries of help from her young.

Ishtar regained her strength and got back up. She wouldn't let them die here and Makuta surely would kill them once he'd return. The jill ripped off a few large leaves from the bushes and trees around her and clumsily, with her paws still stained with her own blood, crafted a bag she could hang around her waist to put the whelps in. After climbing up to the kobel and carefully picking up her litter and putting it in the leaf bag, she had flashbacks of the time she had taken her other two whelps, just like now, and had brought them far, far away. The mother wondered if her sweet girls were still alive. But now was not the time to worry about that. The matter at paw was more urgently. With a hurried pace, Ishtar left the territory, leaving behind her home and her partner of so many seasons. She wasn't sure if he had ever actually liked her, but one thing she knew was that her love for him had been honest and true. And now it was all over. Her life crumbling under her paws, she was left to fend for herself once more.

In the meantime, Makuta had reached the caves again and almost burst right through the bolder, adrenaline still pumping through his veins. As Melisandre saw him, she noticed something was wrong and put her ears back anxiously, moving to the farthest corner of the dark prison, but the hob just ran right up to her without hesitation, making her cower submissively in fear of what might come.

«How dare you?! What did you do to them, you bitch?! Did you really think I wouldn't find out about it?!»

«Blood for blood, a life for a life. I assume the magic worked?»

«Oh it did. And you will pay for it. You thought you could keep me from my army, but you won't! You might not hesitate to kill someone else's whelps, but the look in your eyes I saw, back when I slit that little brats throat at the temple, showed me you'd NEVER be able to do that to your own kin.»

And with that Makuta proceeded to force himself onto the panicked jill who tried to shake him off, but he pushed her towards the wall, closing off any escape route and almost pressing the air out of her lungs as he thrust into her without warning. The helpless, weakened female screeched and struggled, tried to punch him and attack him with her paws, but her blunt, broken claws couldn't even pierce his skin.


Her body was revolting against his touch, showing clearly his narcissistic view of her attraction towards him was wrong as she vomited on the ground, not being able to stand him inside her, but he didn't stop. If anything, exerting his power over her like that, after everything he had been working towards was destroyed, he was getting even more off from it, biting down on her neck and keeping her in place.

He leaned forward, still immersed in the act, and whispered in her ears with his raspy voice.

«Show me how happy you can make me. Your life depends on it.»

He stopped moving and waited, but she couldn't leave, still caught between him and the rocks. Her voice was whimpering as she tried to speak.

«W...what do you mean?»

«Finish it. I want you to do it yourself. I want you to want me.»

«No...I can't.»

«You know, I remember where I picked you up. I know where your last whelp is living. And if you don't do what I say, I will not only defile your corpse after I'm done with you, again and again until your face is so rotten it's hardly even recognizable, but I will also drag that filthy piece of meat that was once you and show it to that brat before I suck the life out of it as well. Now, let me rephrase what I said before, as I wasn't asking. FINISH. IT

Frozen in fear, the jill took a while to process what he had said, but slowly began to move the way he told her to. He wanted her to please him and the only way to save herself and her family was to comply. She knew he wasn't lying about that, he wouldn't hesitate to fulfill this promise.

It seemed to take forever for the agonized jill until he was finally satisfied and the whole ordeal was over, but Makuta had relished every second of it. He hadn't felt so alive for a long time and promised to himself to repeat that on many more unsuspecting victims soon, enjoying the stench of fear and the shivers down their spine while he was savoring this ecstatic pleasure slowly and to its fullest extent. When he climbed down from the larger female, he let one of his claws slide along her cheek and down her throat softly, not intent on hurting her, but reminding her of what one wrong move might do to her.

«Now stay here like a good little girl and I'll be back soon with food for you. After all, we want those whelps to grow strong fast, right sweetheart?»

A wide grin appeared on his face, the shiny teeth still showing blood from his fight earlier as he proceeded to caress her abdomen carefully, touching her with his bloody paws all over.

«And just as a reminder, you better make that body of yours work fast on giving me the healthy whelps I deserve or we're gonna HAVE to do all this again. Well, actually, if I say it like that...», he leaned in again, «take your time.»

The kupfer was still shaking in pure terror as he licked slowly across her face, enjoying the taste of her fear, then he turned away and, with one strong push, moved the bolder in place. Once more shutting Melisandre away into the dark. She screamed as loud as she could, her voice getting hoarse as she tried to call for help. But it remained unheard. Makuta walked back home at a leisurely pace, content with himself, leaving the silent mountain of rocks behind him. A prison...or a soon to be grave. He wasn't quite sure of that yet.

As he reached the place where the red hob had been practicing his own spirit walks, with a few swift movements he got everything set up, burned the incense, crushed bones and mixed them with herbs, chanting the necessary words to get his soul to traverse through the clouds and across Ibea. He felt new energy surging through him, motivated by his newly found rage and it helped him channel his focus.

«Rahkshi. Can you hear me? Answer my call.»

His mind felt as if it was crawling through a deep fog, muffled voices in the background of other Salikos, but he had no interest in them. Red trees. Somewhere they had to be.

And suddenly, in a blinding light, Makuta saw a familiar shape in front of him. A dark presence that tainted the area with it's menacing aura.


The Saliko turned around and long fangs glistened in an eerie glow, the eyes dark as a new moons night.

«Hello father.»