
6 years, 2 months ago


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A fresh breeze from an open window, the quiet sound of the buzz of insects and incessant chirping of birds. The smell of freshly cut grass. It was all a gift, Nancy had just never realized how much of one. Its small moments like that, she realized, that she had taken for granted her entire life. She never understood how much they could possibly mean to her. But now? Things were different. 

She stood, leaning her weight on the sink as she stared out the Kitchen window into her backyard. Years before she would have considered this living a bore. Such a simple life, such a basic name living: a comfortable house in a good neighborhood. A backyard flush with life and color. One day, it had been boring. But the next? It was amazing how often almost dying could change that. But all these moments would be nothing alone. They’d be worth nothing, she’d feel nothing if it all wasn’t for something. 

Nancy liked to think she had changed herself, thought better after the outbreak at Raccoon City, but she knew better. She had changed, but not by herself. No, she had molded by the people around her. In all the chaos, the destruction, she had found stability, a support system. She was grateful to everyone she had met, despite the circumstances. But most grateful was she to the two just outside the window, making that view, these smells, the sounds, and her feelings so worthwhile.

Nancy could hear the cheerful cries from out the slightly ajar door not far from her as she continued to gaze out the window at the two figures prancing around like a couple of fools without a care in the world. It was a moment they deserved. Nancy watched as her five year old held tightly to the back of the man she had come to view as fatherly, playful crying out at every turn, every sprint, ever giddy in their playful purists. She watched as the two she loved most in the world allowed themselves such a carefree moment. It was a beautiful sight to Nancy: Leon and Amilia. It was homely, contenting. Never had she seen Amilia so open, so free, as when she was with Leon. Never had she been as happy as she had become since she took the leap to allow Leon into her life, into her home and into her heart. And never had Nancy realized how desperately they all needed one another.

The pair finally collapsed to the ground after what seemed like hours of frivolous play, their laughs genuine, their smiles showing their hearts on their sleeves. But they weren’t willing to leave it only to them. Nancy smiled as Amilia waved at her mother through the clear glass of the kitchen window, and began to stand as Nancy quickly made her way outside, racing to meet her daughter halfway. A large smile crossed her face as she scooped her daughter into her arms, spinning cheerfully as the mother-daughter pair laughed, pausing only as she left another presence close behind her, an added addition to the death hug the other two had been in. Nancy released one of her arms from her daughter as she returned Leon’s gesture around him, Amilia tightly doing the same. Looking up, a smile crossed her face once more. It was a smile of relief, of joy, and of gratefulness as she looked into Leon’s eyes, Amilia laughing as she watched. And it was there they stood, happy, safe, and content. They could die tomorrow, but always knew that they’d be safe here, in these memories. And never could Nancy imagine herself being happier.