Quirk - Energy Shield

5 years, 11 months ago

Her quirk

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The energy shield quirk allows its user to produce a shield of any form from energy, meaning its shape can take on any that the user so desires. Commonly, however, its form is limited to a dome/bubble esc shield for safety reasons.

While in full use (dome/bubble) the user cannot move from its position under/within the dome/bubble; moving will instantly cause the bubble/dome to dissipate. In shield/focused form, the user is allowed to move around but a lot more concentration is required to keep the energy stored in one place. The energy for the quirk is directly used from the user’s energy supply, so after an extended period of time or excessive damage the user will become more and more fatigued until they pass out or cease the shield.

An aspect about the shield to note is that humans can pass through it, but aside from that animals and inanimate objects cannot. The only exception to this is if the human or entity registered as human is moving at a high enough velocity to be considered a threat, then it will ultimately block the entity.
