Bath Hating Dog

4 years, 1 month ago

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"Ken. You smell."

Said blond looked up from his bag of snack, "Says you, Kaki-pi!" Ken replied sharply, narrowing his golden eyes in irritation.

From the other side of the room, Chrome shook her head slightly at the everyday occurrence. Next to her, Bella snickered; raising from her spot this movement was the last thing the group saw before she was dangling off Ken from behind. "He does!" She laughed, "I vote we give the dog a bath!"

"No way in hell, pyon!" Ken hissed trying to shake Bella off his back, only to hear her laugh from feet away where Chikusa was sitting. Promptly glaring at her, the dog dashed off, "Just try to catch me!"

Bella raised a brow, "He actually wants to race me?" She questioned a chuckle passing her lips before she sent a look to Chikusa, "I'll be off then~" She chimed sing-song before a pause and she was gone, her voice seeming to come from many distances away at once.

Chikusa sighed softly, shaking his head, "What a pain, at least Ken will be clean after this…" He muttered getting up and making his way to the door, leaving Chrome in the room.


Ken bolted down out of the building, looking behind him every once in a while. Currently in Cheetah Channel, though even with that speed he knew Bella could catch up. Then he spotted it, a flash of orange and just before she caught him, he switched to Kong Channel, breaking free of her hold. "Take that, pyon!" he yelled dashing off, again in Cheetah Channel.

Bella swore and followed after. She couldn't go at full speed, she would get tired much too quickly. This was a test of stamina. She had to tire Ken out so she could catch him. Because he really did need that bath. She's been here for over a month and he hadn't bathed at all during her stay!

The chase continued in much the same manner for probably thirty minutes - Bella hadn't really bothered to keep tract – She'd catch up and catch him, then he would break free. Then suddenly, Ken took a sharp turn, dodging a wall that hadn't been there before. As Bella followed suit, the first thing she saw was a ball of net that was swearing. Bursting out into peal of laughter, the teen walked up and kicked at the net earning a load, "Don't kick me, pyon!"

Bella's laughter grew, and she looked over to the other side of net to spot Chikusa sighing and shaking his head. "You got him, Chikusa~" She praised looking to the side and spotting Chrome standing not too far off, "And that illusion was really great Chrome!" She added in, watching with a grin as the other turn turned a ruby-red.

Bella then promptly turned her attention to Ken and grabbed the end she figured his head was at. As she started to drag him off, Bella turned her attention back to Chikusa, "Everything is set up, right?" She asked cheerfully, earning a nod as a reply. Grinning broadly, Bella continued to drag her prisoner to where the hose resided. All the way, Ken was yelling at them to let him go and that no way in hell was he going to be given a bath.


Meanwhile, walking along the path to Kokuyo Land was one lone Tuna-Fishy. Tsuna continued on down the path at an even pace, looking down at the bento in his hands. He had been a bit worried about the three and their eating habits again, so he asked his mom to pack a large lunch to bring to them. As he made his way to the main building, he heard yelling. That was normal; Ken's habit of yelling was almost as bad as Gokudera's.

What he saw when he followed the noise, wasn't normal. Ken was in a huge bag-like net with his class' new transfer student dragging him along until he sat atop a thin layer of towels on the ground. It was then that Ken spotted him, "What you doing here, pyon!" the blond yelled attempting to point an accusing finger at the brunette only for the net to restrain him.

"Hiii!" Tsuna squeaked, suddenly drawing everyone's attention. It was then that Tsuna noticed the other two who where in the vicinity.

"Boss…" Chrome muttered curiously, surprised to see the teen all the way out here. The only acknowledgment from Chikusa was a slight nod and him adjusting his glasses.

Bella seemed to be calculating for a moment before she smirked and waved, "Yo! What are you doing here, Tsuna?" She asked, as if it was completely normal for her to be hovering over bodies that were trapped in nets.

"Um… Well, I brought a lunch over for those three… Since Ken never seems to be buying healthy food for them…" Tsuna trailed off, looking down at the box in his hands, "But why are you here, Bella-san?"

"Giving Ken a bath," She replied plainly.

"That's not really what I meant…" Tsuna replied looking to the red-head.

"Oh… I live here," Bella added with a shrug, returning her attention to Ken as he started to reject that statement, promptly cutting him short by a well aimed kick to the gut. "Shut it Ken," She mumbled with a competitive grin.

Tsuna looked like he was about to ask another questioned, but Chikusa cut him off, "She's been staying here since she arrived in Japan. We know her from when we were younger," He explained simply.

Bella pouted, muttering, "Saved your butts enough times, could say we were at least friends," She grumbled as she drew her attention back to Ken. "Strip," She ordered plainly.

Ken looked at her baffled, like she had grown at least three other heads. "What?!" He screeched in an un-manly fashion. "I'm not taking my clothes off here!" Ken added in, simply yelling this time.

It was Bella's turn to stare, "You want wet clothes then? Just down to your boxers."

"How the hell do you know I wear boxers?!"

"Who does the laundry?" Bella replied sharply, "Now strip."

Meanwhile, Tsuna just stared, wide eyed and jaw dropped. It was kinda obvious now that they knew each other, anyone Ken didn't know that well would probably be dead by now.

Ken glared at Bella for a second longer before grudgingly following her order. He pushed the clothes out of one of the holes in the netting and Chrome gently picked the articles up, folding them before setting them aside. She made sure to place them far enough away that they wouldn't get wet.

Nodding her approval, Bella turned on the hose before pressing her thumb over the nozzle and spraying the cold water at Ken.

"Isn't that a bit… Harsh?" Tsuna asked, that water had to be freezing and it was fall…

"Nah, it's his fault for never bathing, this should be punishment for that so he can learn his lesson," Bella replied turning the water off then throwing a bar of soap and some shampoo at Ken.

"Anyway, you're probably more interested in my relationship with the two because of the way I act," Bella added looking back to Tsuna with a smirk. Suddenly she was right in front of him. He hadn't even seen her move, but she was right in front of him now, so she had to have, right? Gently Bella took the bento from his hands, "I bet they have already told their part of the story," She murmured a smirk that reminded him of Mukuro spread across her lips, "Eh? Little Vongola?" The teen laughed and with a link she was no longer in front of him but next to Chikusa, handing to box over to the taller Italian.

"H- how did… What just… Huh?" Tsuna stuttered. He looked from the net, to the ground in front of him, then to where Bella stood currently. The only reply he got was a smirk, then the answer to his formal question.

"I helped them when they ran away from that famiglia," The way she said it seemed so bitter, so hateful, that Tsuna felt himself step away from her. It was as if he felt that her hatred for the Estraneo Famiglia would thus give her reason to kill him.

Bella was suddenly next to Ken again, the hose running and in her hand. Promptly she washed the suds off of his frame then cut the net, giving him room to get back up. Tsuna blinked; did she just pull a dagger out of her jacket? "A-are you of the mafia?" He managed.

The look Bella gave him caused him to stumble a few steps back. "No…" The way she drew the word out, the hidden venom scared him further. "I'm just a hired assassin."

It was with that; Tsuna promptly fainted, falling to the ground.

Bella stared blankly at the faint body and just burst out laughing, "How the hell is he going to be a boss, sure I hear he can fight, but really!"

Chrome looked to Bella curiously, then back to Tsuna, "Boss isn't that bad…" She murmured.

This caught Bella's attention, her two-colored eyes shifting to the shorter girl. Ken took this moment to escape, but Bella paid him no mind. "Yeah… I bet he is. He beat Mukuro after all…" Her expression became soft, wistful almost.

Bella then looked back to Chikusa. "Chikusa?" She asked softly.


"I'll take Tsuna home; make sure Ken gets something to eat other than his snacks, okay? I really worry about that problem of his…" Bella trailed off. Chikusa nodded his okay, and Bella smiled while heading over to Tsuna and lifting him up.

"I'll be off then."


Taking Tsuna home didn't take all that long, so when she returned she found the group in the theater room with the bento laid out before them. Cheerfully, Bella plopped down next to Chikusa, glad to see Ken sitting not too far off; even if he was glaring at her and clearly pouting about the whole earlier ordeal.

Bella grinned teasingly, "Nice to see you too, Ken."

"Freaking Demon Woman," He swore, stuffing an onigiri into his mouth.

Chikusa sighed, shaking his head while Bella just laughed and Chrome smiled weakly. Just a normal day in Kokuyo Land.