Developed Biome Event Prompts

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
4 2072

Entry 1
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

Pieces Written for the Side Prompts in ThoseWhoWentMissing May 2020 Developed Biome Event

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Author's Notes

Depict an esk exploring a Developed area where nature is used as beauty and art. For example, botanical gardens and greenhouses, shaped boxwood topiaries and mazes, cherry blossoms bordering a romantic walkway...


Cyrus knew that his biome was blessed with the ability to be shaped and changed in whatever way the humans designing and caring for the area wished it to be, it was a wonder to see and experience first-hand and even more so to experience in the aftermath of their amazing creative work.

His favourites were gardens, to the surprise of absolutely no one. He simply adored seeing what plants the humans would bring from all over the world in order to exist in their space with them, he adored seeing the different layouts, the perfectly planned plant beds and meticulously cared for plants and trees that made them up.

Some geared more towards practical, herbs and vegetables and fruit trees to help ease the strain of the grocery bill and put food onto the table but Cyrus cared little to look upon them, they were not a sight that drew his attention and asked him to walk the garden observing it in it’s entirety.

No, his favourites were gardens meant to be experienced in all their beautiful blooms and colours.

And oh did he ever experience them.

The garden of the day was a day or two’s travel from his own boundary, a large well-maintained garden meant to show off wealth and extravagance while maintaining a sense of aesthetic and being pleasing to the eye. Cyrus could go on about gardens that seemed to have been together with no plan or sense of cohesion in mind, awful messy looking things that clashed at every turn of the head.

This one though had none of those issues.

It was clear from his first step onto the carved stone pathway that this garden had been planned out properly.

The path had been lined with a beautiful array of flowering shrubs in every shade of pink, the colours shifting and changing ever so slightly as he made his way along it until he reach the central draw of the garden.

There at the centre, a small set of outdoor chairs and a table sat, within the shade of a magnificent cherry blossom tree, the flowers blooming in their beautiful colours for their brief fleeting visage to be seen until they dropped from the tree and scattered across not only the garden set of furniture but also the water way that snaked around the tree and lead further off into the garden and towards an iron wrought bench set amongst a set more pieces of flowering shrub keeping to the pink shades of the garden as a whole.

Cyrus was sure that if he continued down the stone walkway towards the bench then he would find a number of beautiful, elegant koi fish in a variety of striking vibrant colours to contrast the soft pinks of the garden’s plants, but there would be time for that later.

He could feel this carefully planned and cultivated garden brimming with the magic of his biome, his own hyacinth’s blooming in the thrum of magic so much like that which coursed through the core of his being and he wanted to take his time to enjoy the scenery.

He didn’t have to be anywhere anymore, didn’t have to worry about anyone missing him or demanding his attention, hadn’t in quite a number of years and he was going to make the most of it where he could.

He took his steps slowly, a meandering pace that carried him ever forward and through the beauty of this place crafted by human hands.

He had time.

Author's Notes

Base Score:
+11 AP – 588 Words
+5 AP – Personal Work
+5 AP – Developed Biome Event Prompt – Decorative
+5 AP – Developed Biome Bonus – Japanese-Styled Garden

Total: 26 AP

Base Score:
+5.5 GP – 588 Words
+2 GP – Developed Biome Event Prompt – Decorative
+2 GP - Developed Biome Bonus – Japanese-Styled Garden

Total: 9.5 GP