Love and Death

4 years, 1 month ago

Explicit Violence

This is a one shot story about my mate and mines characters it is a horror/love story

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Thoth woke up bound and gagged to a chair, his girlfriend Hope in front of him. She was still asleep, also bound and gagged to an electric chair. 

[I]Wh-where are we? What’s happening? The last thing I remember is having a drink with my girl and boss.

He struggled against his bindings, trying to get free so he could untie her and get out of this place.

"Ah~ You're awake, good~ Now we can begin the experiment."

[I]Who are you? Where are you? What do you want with us?

So many questions raced throughout his mind. He struggled harder before he felt an electric shock light his every nerve on fire. It lasted for a second or two, then stopped. He panted heavily against his gag, trying to calm down and recover from the overwhelming pain.

"We can't have you trying to escape the testing process, now can we~"

He felt the gag being untied, he was able to speak and gasp for breath better now. 

"Hnnn, what do you want? Why are we here?"

"You're here because I want to test your loyalty.

What I want is to know how dedicated you are to dear Hope here~"

He knew the voice, but couldn't place it through the loud humming of the lights overhead. 

"Now then, what would you give for her to live?"

"Anything, even my own life."

"Good boy~ Now prove it. Prove you love her more than anything."

Hope stored in her sleep, awaking slowly. When she could finally recognize her surroundings she gasped. Sitting in front of her was her boyfriend with his throat slit. Tears came up in her eyes as she tried to go to him. She could not, for she was still bound to her chair. A low chuckle resounded throughout the room, scaring her. A black hooded cloaked figure came into her view. 

"He gave his life so that you could live, don't squander it."

The figure waved his hand and she was freed, she lunged at them, but the figure disappeared into black dust. She wailed in despair, she had lost everything and was not able to avenge him. She got up with a sniffle, walking down the corridor in front of her, swearing vengeance upon their captor. She could hear in the distance a low chuckle like before.

"Bring it on~"