Scientist Records

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
4 2302

Entry 1
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

Explicit Violence

Short stories about everyday work at the Science Research Facility sponsored by Marseille

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Record log 001

----------During lunch break -----------

Serenity enters the employee break room, walking up to both Florence and Michael. 

“Hello, boys~” 

“Ah, hello gorgeous!” 

Florence just sips on his coffee as his eyes look upon the grey-toned lady worker. Not speaking a word to her as his glace upon her was to confirm her existence. Serenity grins as she looks upon those eyes. 

“Mmm, it seems like you're fine as always.” 

“You know I am!” 

“Not you.” 

Florence puts down his coffee to speak up. 

“It's the same routine, Serenity. I do my job, Michael does his' and you do yours. Then when the break comes, you and Micheal come to bother me. I accept this as part of my job schedule.” 

“Well, I suppose you have a grand knowledge of details.” 

“Serenity, as a hot chick like yourself. Don't you find it hard to bring in those materials?” 

“Michael, as an idiot like yourself. Don't you find it hard to accurately cut in the lines with your surgical tools?” 

“Oh, babe. I can cut your lines straight.” 

“... 0/10, never try again.”