King - A memoir

4 years, 28 days ago
1295 1

Explicit Violence

Learn about King's backstory, and how he became a ruthless leader of the savanna.

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Part 1: My Origins

I was never intended to be a ruler of others, I am not part of a monarchy or royal kingdom..

I wasn't the best child to my parents, my sisters were always more tolerable for them. However.. I started feeling inferior to them. I began to enjoy hurting them more than we pretended during our play times. I wasn't going to let myself feel like I was less than anyone else.

We didn't see Dad too often. Mom said he was only on a long journey and would come back. I never saw him again.

It was only a few moons I had been living with my sisters and parents on the plain. I doubt they even noticed I was gone.

I was taken forcibly by animals that walked on their hind legs. That was all I remembered when I woke up in a dark area shielded by poles that were too close to fit through. I could hear cries of other dogs around me, though I couldn't see them.

It wasn't long until I could be free from the confined space.. but I wasn't allowed to move on my own will. The moment I tried I felt spikes tear into my neck. The hind-standers that took me had put something around my neck, this let them pull me in whatever direction they wanted to.. and it was painful if I resisted.

I was thinking.. why would they choose me? I had to be something special.. no matter how they treated me, I was the one chosen. Not either of my sisters, just me.

I admitted to myself I felt lonely sometimes and I missed my mother no matter how much I despised my family.

The hind-standers took me into another room that was much brighter than the one I was in, however the air felt really eerie. There were still faint cries of other dogs but.. this time, it was much worse. They were desperately pleading for help, they weren't cries of loneliness or sadness.. but utter fear and pain.

This made me want to feel the same way.. but I was curious. I didn't resist, and a couple moments later they moved me onto a platform where I was tied down. Again, my movement was restricted.. even more.

They forcibly opened my mouth to feed me things.. and I was compliant, I didn't see any harm in it, despite not knowing what it was.

It wasn't long before I started to hallucinate and have this horrible sensation that was indescribable. I would lie there in pain for hours.. and they would keep feeding me periodically and stabbing me with pointy things. I was determined to stay awake.. I wasn't going to give in and be the weak one.

The distant cries became quiet.. however I hadn't made a sound no matter how painful it was.

After the pain was finally over, I would be sent back to the cage again.

I woke up the next day expecting something to be different.. but it was the same process. Over.. and over.

It went on for a moon, I think. I lost track of time, whether it was day or night, and I sometimes wondering if I was even alive and if I was suffering for the rest of time.

However.. I noticed myself becoming stronger.. being able to resist the pain easier each time. I no longer felt like I was being punished.. I felt like this was making me become who I wanted to be.

Part 2: Becoming a King

I eventually was brought out of this cycle, and instead I was staying in a place that had a different feel to it.. it wasn't sad as much as it was anger. There were dogs around my cell again that I couldn't see, but there was simply nothing more than fury in their barks and howls.

When I was allowed out for the first time, I was put in a wide pen with another dog across from me. They were tied with the same collar I was. But even though the collar was piercing in their neck, they writhed in anger and eagerness to be let go.

I had never seen another dog look like this. They were buff, yet skinny.. with large paws, upright ears and large fangs.

But they had no spots.. what were they?

There were more hind-standers standing above us and shouting from the rails that held them back.

Before I could think it through, a loud noise rung throughout the area and the dark dog was let free and lunged towards me instantly.

I was frightened and scared for my life, I didn't want to come in any contact with that dog's jaws..

but the hind-stander behind me had already let me go and was shoving me forward.

I started to run in circles, trying to dodge them - and it worked, for awhile. My legs had an advantage against theirs for their length, and I had incredible strength that I now started to begin to notice.

The dog was snapped at me from behind and trying to cut in front of me, but I was able to jump over him and dodge his lunges.

In the background, I noticed the expression in the air changed. The hind-standers weren't shouting excitedly.. it was more like disappointment and anger.

This was when I started to understand..

I was built to fight. I had the advantage of my swiftness, but my strength was to fight.

This dog was probably just like me..

We finally stood still, I had wore them out. I stood quite a far distance away from them, but they didn't attempt to run to catch up to me anymore.

..but I wasn't going to feel inferior. The hind-standers brought this challenge to me and I would accept it. They gave me the strength I needed and I would utilize it.

I now started to run forward, which the dog began to ready itself with a stance. They presumed I'd try to get them head-on but I jumped over them, then with the free moment I had, I gripped their neck with my teeth.

This brought an optimistic shout from the crowd of hind-standers above us.

This is what they want, then.. I wouldn't back down from what they put in front of me.

My grip on their neck must have been tighter than I noticed, because my jaws were now covered with blood, and they were un-moving.

Part 3: My return

4 years had passed, and now I was the champion of the arena.

I hadn't lost a single fight there, even if some dragged on for hours.. I would always win.

I was brought to different locations, but I remembered the first arena I was in. I was much different than I am today.

I show no mercy to anyone below me. Everyone is my enemy, and nobody can be trusted.

I remember my homeland only for the opportunity it gave me.

Eventually I would go back, I decided. This endless cycle wasn't the only thing I wanted to conquer.

I wanted to see my family again.. and make them suffer.

I took the chance when I had it when I was brought back to that first arena in the hot savannah. The area behind the hind-standers was an opening. I just had to get through them and out of this arena.

When the bell rang for me to face my opponent, I lunged - but not at the dog. I grabbed ahold of the stone wall, and eventually quickly climbed my way up. The hind-standers weren't a hindrance, surprisingly. Most stood out of my way, but those that didn't I brought to the ground easily.