His Backstory

4 years, 27 days ago
1086 1

Explicit Violence

How he became a labelled criminal.

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He was an avid student, getting the best scores in most of his classes, and went into the medical field. When he was younger he would take care of his siblings, and later became a baby-sitter. He loved caring for others, and set that as his goal during his time in this world. His childhood went by swiftly while he lived a care-free and happy life, and soon went to school to become a nurse. He achieved this goal, and officially started working at the local hospital. However, things would begin to change drastically for him.

He was accused of being involved in a murder. During his time off, he usually spent time as a caregiver to children around the neighborhood. The parents of the children trusted him dearly, and he considered them great friends.

One evening, Dante and a couple of the children went for a walk. A brother and a sister brought a ball to play with along the way. They were on the sidewalks of the inner city, and frequently passed alleys. Eventually the brother lost the ball, and moved in the direction of an alley. Dante allowed him and his sister to go look for it.

The siblings ran into the alleyway, but then became more frightened with each step they took as it grew darker. Although, they soon heard the bouncing of their ball in the distance, so they proceeded.

The bouncing of the ball discontinued, and the children heard a grunt on their right, unexpectedly.

A gang member was looming in the shadows, holding the yellow ball with a visible grin. He had a ragged and weary look, and told the children he had a bad back, and that he would give them the ball if they would come closer.

The siblings followed his request, and were gripped immediately by the man by the collar of their shirt. They tried screaming for help, but the man was too quick, slicing their throats almost immediately.

Dante would soon begin to notice the children hadn't returned for awhile, and began to worry, abandoning the children for just a moment, having the oldest look after them.

He eventually found the man in the alleyway, his face full of horror. The man told him he hated people like him - leaving children all alone in the most dangerous of places. He wanted men like him to be punished.

Dante was unable to speak, and the murderous man handed the knife to him. Dante was confused, but took it anyway as an act of self-defense. However before he could move, the man told him he had already called the police, while removing his gloves, shoving them in his pockets. He suddenly realized what was happening as the man had swiftly left his sight. The blame was on him. The weapon had only his finger prints.

He dropped to the ground on his knees helplessly, his eyes beginning to fill with tears. The police could be heard from a distance. He had no chance of escaping this.

Within the courtroom Dante was deemed guilty. He pleaded otherwise, but the officials didn't believe him. Dante did not have anyone to speak for him, as no one knew who to believe, and he had no true witnesses. 

However, many men who were captured as 'killers' were said to be tricked by gang members, similar situations to the one Dante had just faced. While this was something the police were currently investigating, Dante received only 5 years in prison. If they gain more evidence, his sentence would be longer. Dante was in complete shock, and eventually gave in, not saying a word.

During his sentence he was met with harsh actions done by the men in the cell around him, including beatings and rape. He was a popular attraction for this, as he was among the weakest, youngest, and attractive. He simply couldn't fight back, and usually spent his time in the corner, whenever they left him alone. It was a long 5 years, and no one from his family contacted him. Of course, he understood why. Finding out your son murdered children is one of the things that is the lowest of the low. He was blessed- as an innocent man, to have a short sentence. Yet, the officials could still change their minds.

After the 5 difficult and slow years were over, Dante found himself feeling the worst, hopeless, and caring for nothing. The day he was let out, he only felt the slightest bit of happiness that he no longer would be tortured by the men he was around. But, he wasn't excited for anything else. His career that he had worked for was gone, and his family most likely wouldn't accept him being anywhere near them. He had no money, but he had his phone the police kindly returned to him. Above all this, the police were still tracking him, and they would be for awhile. 

He still kept existing though, but found he could be going through this with a bit of sedation. He was offered drugs on the streets, and he often accepted. He usually didn't stick around long, since he didn't want to cause any trouble between him and the dealers while the police were up his ass.

He was almost a completely different person after experiencing the horrors of prison and homelessness. But, he didn't want to recognize himself and his actions - he had no care anymore.

He now continues to live on the streets, usually in abandoned buildings - being cautious, of course. He acquired a few weapons since they were incredibly easy to come by, and whenever they showed, most people didn't mess with him. He also didn't look too appealing to rob for money, he looked dirt poor - and he was.

However, he knew if someone were to go up against him, he most likely wouldn't win, and he had no experience defending himself.

Although, he had an extreme hate for these gangs - whatever that man was apart of - he wanted to end them. They have ruined many lives, yet they seem to think they're correcting society judging upon their own beliefs. He knew he was only just a broken and beaten man now and had nothing to live for, but as long as he kept going, he would train himself among the streets, learn it's weakest points and strongest ones, who to trust and who to not, and maybe even find a way to enjoy himself.