Chiva Character History

4 years, 23 days ago
4 years, 23 days ago
4 5919

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 23 days ago

Mild Sexual Content

What is says on the tin, just more fleshed out details of Chiva's history.

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Present Day

Chiva owns and operates a cafe/nightclub. During the daytime it is a cafe, but at night it is transformed into a nightclub. It is a highly popular place in Conton. The cafe is known for it's lovely staff and great pastries. Chiva is much more hands-off when when it comes to running the cafe, as she often goes out on patrol during the daytime while it is running. She leaves the cafe in her friend Kori's very capable hands. She is a lot more hands on at pm when it gets turned from a cafe into a nightclub. The nightclub is located under the cafe. Chiva has a stage set that she preforms every other night, but most of the time she can be seen running the bar. She loves interacting with populace. There are several regular performers that she keeps on staff as well as herself. Goten, Trunks, Kori, and Ninny are regulars with a schedule. Tasu is also a regular, but she doesn't have a set schedule, she comes on as needed. Most of her performers have a singles routine and a couple's routine. She does open the stage up to anyone who wishes to between shows. Any guest who preforms not only gets to keep the cash they earn on stage, but they also get their choice of free alcohol for the night or a favor from Chiva.

Chiva doesn't advertise her services necessarily, but most of her regular clientele know about it. Almost everyone in Conton knows about her GodTube channel and shows. She very much enjoys educating the people of Conton about Saiyan culture and history. She makes videoes where she teaches saiyan language, dances, and culture. She is very proud to be a saiyan. The other side of her GodTube fame is more risque. She has a sex education series, which started out as her explaining saiyan biology to her half-saiyan friends and evolved into something bigger. She does educational videos about sex, but she also does a lot of fetish videos and is not afraid to preform for the camera. She films frequently with her friend Tasu. She and Tasu hold a livestream once every month or so where they'll take requests.

Chiva lives alone, but she is rarely actually alone. She doesn't really like being alone at night. Chiva often will sleep at(with) Tasu or Fu's place when she doesn't have someone else share her bed. She enjoys sharing tents with others if she is kept out on a long mission, which in most cases is just logical due to the nature of being on a mission.