The Mysterious Hero

4 years, 30 days ago
4 years, 30 days ago
1 1173 1

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 30 days ago

Cupid’s arrow shot right through her chest at the sight of such a man. His eyes look so honest and hopeful. She feels like her knees might give out, heart thudding for an entirely new reason now. This feeling is entirely new to her, but this mysterious man has provoked it.

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Mysterious Meeting

Marica opens the door and looks around her room for the next few nights. The walls are a basic off white, with a soft grey carpet, and a set of soft yellow curtains cover the windows. A queen sized bed sits in the middle of the room with basic white embroidered sheets and there’s a light scent of vanilla spreading through the room. The journalist steps inside and closes the door quietly behind her. There’s a small wax melter sitting in the center of the dresser which explains the calming vanilla scent. 

Marica sets her laptop bag on the bed and walks to the window with a smile. Venice is such a gorgeous city and she’s quite excited to be here to do the research for her new upcoming article. She’s got a lot of work to do for this article but the experience will be worth it. She brings her suitcase up and sets it on the bed as well, unzipping it so she can begin unpacking. There’s a mahogany dresser with a small flatscreen tv sitting on it near the foot of the bed.

She hums to herself as she unpacks a bit and sets to making herself a cup of coffee with the provided coffee maker. A little bit of sugar and a splash of creamer, ah yes just right. Marica carries the cup to the desk that sits with a gorgeous view of the city and canals below. She can start writing the basic outline for her article and then go out and do her scheduled interviews. Marcia  loved her job, it gave her the freedom to express herself, and to travel. She’s been to so many beautiful places thanks to her job.

Once her laptop is set up, she sits down and boots it up. Quick and easy and it allows her to take a few sips of her coffee as she waits. Just as she’s logging into her laptop and getting comfortable the sound of a loud boom draws her attention. Brown eyes widen in shock, she almost can’t believe her eyes! Marcia stands up so abruptly her chair falls over and she dashes out of the room. 

Determined to get shots of this creature and report on what happens. Her heart pounds loudly in her chest as she raced through the streets, looking around for a place to get a good shot of this creature. She’s always been determined to get the best scoop, safety thrown to the wind as she runs through small alleyways. Others run past her, everyone fleeing in different directions. Some kid looks around the area when his eyes land on a greeting brunette teenager.

“Hey! Hey! Lady you should really be running in the other direction!” He says, his voice cracks a bit and he looks back over his shoulder towards the canals.

“Kid this is no place for you! Run!” Marcia says sternly and rushes past him. “Keep yourself safe!”

The closer she gets to the canal, the louder everything is. Her eyes widen in shock at the sheer size of the creature. Marcia pulls out her phone and starts recording, there’s rubble from buildings flying everywhere. In fact a few small pieces hit her, sure enough to leave bruises in their wake. She doesn’t even shake in fear, too in shock. How does something that large even exist?

Suddenly there’s a mysterious green fog and a figure showing up on the scene. A hero she’s never seen before, or even heard of for that matter. Her camera work is a tiny bit shaky as she moves to get the best shot, feet planted firmly on the ground below. She’s entranced by this mysterious hero, captivated by the way he moves. Each movement precise and planned, easy as breathing it looks.

The fight begins to move a bit and she keeps her phone pinned on the fight, distracted by this newcomer hero. Marcia almost doesn’t notice the wave coming towards her. No time left to move, she clutched her phone in a tight, white knuckles grip. Suddenly she’s never been so thankful for a water proof phone, she’d be devastated if she lost this footage. Before she can move further away the wave engulfs her and carries her away.

She fights desperately for something to grab onto a lamppost as the wave dies down. Marcia gasps for air, clinging to the top of the lamppost for dear life. Gulping in as much air as she can, truth be told she feels like a wet dog right now. Shivering from head to toe as she struggles to keep herself held up. A loud creaking noise fills her soul with dread as she glances down. 

There’s a large crack in the metal of the post and it’s start to bow. The fall would definitely leave her with some broken bones and a concussion. She squeezes her eyes shut and moves to pull herself up a bit more. The metal too wet and her skin too wet to get a good grip, her fingers slip causing her to shriek a bit.

It seems like the ground is coming up too quickly as the post gives way. All too suddenly there’s a warm chest and arms lifting her up. The shock causes her to open her eyes. The mysterious hero delivers her safely to the ground away from the fallen lamppost. Seemingly checking her for injuries, Marcia’s heart thuds in her chest.

Both from the rush of adrenaline and the proximity of this mystery man. She barrels forward however, ecstatic for this new hero. “I’d love to interview you after all this is over!” She rushes out with a thankful smile. 

A chuckle as he pulls the helmet off for just a quick moment. Cupid’s arrow shot right through her chest at the sight of such a man. His eyes look so honest and hopeful. She feels like her knees might give out, heart thudding for an entirely new reason now. This feeling is entirely new to her, but this mysterious man has provoked it.

“Keep yourself safe and you’ll get that interview.” He says with a lopsided grin, sliding his helmet back on. 

Marcia finds herself nodding, phone held close to her chest as the helmet is slipped back on. He gives her a small wave before heading back off towards the chaos. She watches him leave, body shaking as she moves to get to a safer area to film instead.

She did want that interview after all. Marcia wanted to know this man on a personal level, outside of being a hero and saving lives. She was curious of his hobbies, his dreams, and anything else he would possibly be comfortable divulging to her on a personal level. As she climbs over rubble and finds a safe place to continue recording, her heart stutters as she watches on.