Hyoga's Activites and Events

4 years, 29 days ago
4 years, 28 days ago
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Chapter 12
Published 4 years, 28 days ago

Hyoga's activities and event literature written by myself.

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Quest: The Case of The Unusual Bird

"Alright, so far we've seen a peregrine, some seagulls, and a random peacock. That last one probably does not count seeing as how it was someones escaped pet." Hidenka looked at her notepad where she had started taking notes about the birds they saw and where they saw them. A camera hung around her neck as well, pictures of the birds they found so far were the only things on it. Wick stood patiently next to Hyoga as they waited for signals from their handlers to continue on.
"Well, why don't we head south and look for some song birds." Shallyaa suggested. The two turned the tokotas around around, Wick and Hyoga trotting along in the direction indicated to them. Hyoga just continued on as Hidenka looked at the map. He had pulled ahead a little and Wick followed behind, allowing them to lead the way.

"Hey, what's that?" Shallyaa signaled Wick to stop and the two looked up to the sky. Hidenka looked back and turned Hyoga around to face the other tokota and handler.
"What is what?" Hidenka asked, trying to pinpoint whatever it was that had caught her friend's attention.
"That! Over there." Shallyaa pointed. She turned Wick around and got her up into a trot, which then turned into a sprint as they tried to keep up with the flying object. It looked like a bird, but she could not tell what kind it was. Hyoga took off after them, Hidenka not having seen the flying object yet. Hyoga saw it as he ran.
"Wow, what is it?!" Hidenka was stunned to see how fast it was moving. The brownish colors and it's size seemed to indicate a large bird of some kind, but she did not recognize it as anything she had ever seen before. The speed at which it was flying did not help in any way for them to identity it.
"It's getting away!" Shallyaa yelled. Wick a tried picking up her pace more to keep up with it. The ground beneath them went from grassy to rocky and she was forced to slow down as the ground was uneven and the rocks took over. They finally came to a halt to see the ocean before them. The strange creature was flying away over the water. Wick and Hyoga sat panting at the edge of the water.
"Darn it." Hidenka sounded disappointed. "I wanted to know what in the world that was. I have never seen a bird like that before, let alone a bird that could fly that fast!"
"Maybe it was not a bird?" Shallyaa suggested, though she had truly thought it was a bird as well. Hyoga let out a sort of low huff, shuffling a little to get his handler's attention.
"It turned! It's following the coast!" Hyoga took off along the coast, making his way off the rockier shore and reaching a more even surface to run on without worrying about tripping over the stones. Wick quickly followed though Hyoga had gained quite a bit of distance from her. They saw it nose dive behind the next hill and vanish. They did not slow as they followed it, hoping to see it landed somewhere on the other side, or maybe it just decided to fly lower to the ground. They reached the rise and did not expect what they saw.

"That is definitely not a bird." Shallyaa commented as Wick caught up with Hidenka and Hyoga who had already reach the site of the drone crash. The small drone was not looking so great and obviously the owner was no where near the site. It was manned using a camera that clung to the bottom of the wreckage as Hidenka picked it up.
"A drone or model airplane thing? Why paint it like a bird? They obviously were mimicking bird feathers on purpose." Hidenka looked for any sign of an owner. Hyoga leaned over her shoulder and sniffed it, trying to get a better look at the very strange looking bird that seemed quite dead in the hands of his handler.
"Sorry Wick, looks like I had you racing like that for nothing." Shallyaa reached down and patted her tokota on the neck. Wick seemed disappointed that they had not found something actually useful for their current mission.
"Well, there is a name and address on here. I guess we should return it?" Hidenka looked to Shallyaa.
"I guess we should, but what if the owner comes looking for it?"
"We leave a message on their video camera and hope they see it. The camera appears to still be working and it seems that there are speakers on it for sound. So it should work, right?"

They spoke to the camera and jumped back in their saddles. Hyoga started to trot in the direction of the nearest town, Wick following close behind. The two tokotas listened to the handler chatting back and forth about the drone, looking it over more closely and coming up with a million questions, and also laughing about their mistake.
"Think we might find some real birds on our way back to town?" Hidenka asked, trying to find the best way to carry the drone without killing her arm carrying it the whole way and without risking it falling off Hyoga's back and getting damaged more.
"We might, I hope to spot some more birds of prey. Though some grouse wouldn't be bad right about now either. Anything that is actually alive and moving." Hyoga stopped mid-trot, nearly catching Hidenka off guard. Shallyaa was more prepared for when Wick stopped. They did not question it, but scanned for anything the tokotas might have spotted first. Wick then stretched her neck out and pointed to the dry grass not far from them. The little bird had froze as well, staring back on them before scurrying away.
"Hurry! Get a picture!" Shallyaa called, getting Wick to go after the bird.
"I'm trying!" Hidenka meddled with her camera and Hyoga trotted along after the others. They only forgot about the drone and their previous mistake for a few seconds as they followed the terrified little bird trying to get picture proof they saw a random grouse.