Tassi Origin Prompts

5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 5 months ago
2 1898

Chapter 2
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

How Tassi came to be an esk.

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2. Losing his way

Show us how he went missing

Another day ended for the so-called Fantasy.
Tired, hungry and alone, he turned to the Green Shore, as he called it. He plunged one leg into the water, waiting to see another sunset from that spot.
But that day something happened.
His eyes closed unintentionally, he was trying to stay ready to see the sun go down...
Temperatures dropped inexplicably all of a sudden, and from one moment to the next the lake became frozen.
Between his lack of strength, the cold and the layer of ice that had grabbed his leg on that ice, the wolf dog gave in to that desire to close his eyes.
What would the future hold for him?
One last time he opened his eyes to a creature in the distance, who looked at him with a very bright eye... and a little further back, a kind of giant ice hedgehog...
All that was very rare.
And then the screams began.
Otro día terminaba para el llamado Fantasy.
Cansado, hambriento y sólo, se volvió hacia la Green Shore, cómo él la llamaba. Hundió una pata en el agua, esperando a ver otro atardecer más desde aquel sitio.
Pero ese día pasó algo.
Sus ojos se cerraban sin quererlo él, que intentaba mantenerse listo para ver el sol caer...
Las temperaturas descendieron inexplicablemente de repente, y el lago de un momento a otro pasó a estar congelado.
Entre su falta de fuerzas, el frío y la capa de hielo que había agarrado a su pata en aquel hielo, el perro lobo fue cediendo a aquel deseo de cerrar los ojos.
¿Qué le depararía el futuro?
Abrió una última vez los ojos para vez a una criatura a lo lejos, que le miraba con un ojo muy brillante... y algo más atrás, una especie de erizo de hielo gigante...
Todo aquello era muy raro.
Y entonces empezaron los gritos.