Fable's AoAs

4 years, 1 day ago
4 years, 1 day ago
3 6045

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 1 day ago

Arms of Akna for Fable.

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Oh Look, Walking Clouds! - RoM

Fable was led into the field, Sakari, her handler, opening the gate to the pen where they would chase the livestock into after checking that the collar would not fall off. The collar Fable wore was white with light brown intricate stitches along the edges to decorate it. It was not a collar she wore hunting or anything, but it was used for exploring or just for rides or whatever. Sakari was fine with her wearing it for this, since it was Fable's favorite collar, and it was not too messy of a job. A judge was standing along the fence waiting for them and holding a clipboard and timer, ready to start the first of three tests that Fable would have to take. Sakari walked up to the judge and shook his hand. "You guys are ready for the test? What is your tokota's name?" He started the questions, taking a good twenty minutes before he finally had all the information he needed down on the paper. "That's everything, and I shall start as soon as Fable makes her way towards the sheep all grazing and relaxing in the bt of sunlight peaking through the sky of puffy clouds." He told Sakari. "Alright, thank you." She replied, turning to Fable. In the large field, lined with trees and bushes, was a group of sheep. Fable had seen them from afar, but not really up close before. She thought they looked like fluffy clouds. "Ready to go?" Sakari asked, a seriously look on her face. Fable shook her head in response, she was ready. They had to get all those walking clouds into the pen, Sakari was manning the gate, while Fable was to herd the sheep through it. She had been trained to cut, but it was normally some calves, but today they were herding sheep. Fable was trained to bark when coming towards the gate, to signal to her handler or whoever was managing it, to open it. Fable looked around the field, guessing that herding the fluffy white creatures was similar to herding the calves. She started trotting around the group and made her way to the other side, putting the sheep between herself and the gate. She turned inwards, coming towards the sheep, some of them looking up to see what was coming towards them. Fable was smiling as she came up to the sheep, who did not run away. The calves normally started running as soon as they saw the brown mass coming towards them, but these fluffy critters seemed unafraid of Fable. Fable stopped, tilted her head one way, then the other way, lowered her head, then lifted it up. She was thinking, wondering how she could get them to move. She thought maybe nudging them, but that would only get the one moving, and even then, she did not know if the sheep would stay moving. She thought maybe running right through the group, but that would just scatter them in all directions and make it all the more difficult. She finally decided on what she was going to do to get them moving.

She turned around, planning to run at them again for a little head start for herself, this time making a little noise as she ran towards them. She turned back to face the sheep and came at them at a slow jog, the grass rustling in the breeze and everything seeming quiet as she went. She was about half way to the sheep, they still hadn't moved or budged from their places, when she lifted her head up into the air and let out a loud bark, hoping it would get them moving, and it did. The bark echoed through the area, allowing it to be heard a few times before the echo stopped. Those who had been watching her, jumped a little in shock at her sudden guts and barking and took off in the opposite direction, towards the gate that was now wide open for them. Some of those not watching jumped in fright, unaware that the large canine was there, and some followed their companions to the gate, while other scattered in the direction they were facing, making for the bushes that were scattered across the field. Fable was satisfied that she got their attention, even though some of them went in directions she did not want them to go, and was happy she at least got them moving. She followed the group heading for the pen at a fast trot, letting out a bark as they came closer to the gate as she normally did when herding to alert the handler, or gate keeper, so she thought them as. The sheep went in and Sakari closed the gate behind them, standing next to it and holding it shut instead of locking it. Fable came up to her and stopped a second, getting a pat on the neck from handler before she headed off again. "Good girl, you are getting it." Sakari said as Fable started to trot off. Sakari had short, light brown hair, green-gray eyes, and was wearing a black hoodie with some white jeans. She was watching as her toko went around some sheep still in the field and got them moving. She only helped open and close the gate, as well at to encourage the tokota to keep going as she herded the fluffy creatures that she had never dealt with before, to prevent her from getting discouraged and giving up. Fable let out a bark as three more sheep came trotting towards her. She swung the gate open and the sheep went in, though a few tried to get out. Fable barked, making them retreat into the pen once again, though the bark was not meant for them, it was a bark to signal the handler to close the gate. Sakari closed it and rested her head on the top board of the fence she was standing on, her feet on the bottom board.

Fable trotted towards a particular sheep who got themselves tangled in the bush. It struggled to get out, but it's fur was so thick that it just kept getting stuck in the thick, tangled branches around it. It baaed, wanting help, still struggling as best as it could. Fable stopped for a second and watched the sheep then started walking into the bush. She nosed some of the branches aside, pulling some of of the sheep's fur and soon the sheep was out and trotting into the field. Fable came out of the bush and started after the sheep. With a light bark she got the sheep going towards the gate, and she let out another bark to get the attention of her handler. Sakari was smiling, glad with the skill Fable showed. She swung the gate open and the sheep went through, Fable turning before reaching the gate to head back for another one. There were a few left, scattered among the bushes and trees that lined the field. She stopped and looked around trying to decide who to go about this, thinking of plans in her head that would get them all into the pen sooner or more efficiently. She came around the one side of the field, staring with two sheep who seemed to be buddies and stick together. They trotted away around a tree, coming back around on the other side of a bush from Fable. Fable followed them around in circles, trying to catch up, but failing. She finally decided to take a short cut through the bushes. They went around the corner and she turned through the middle of the large bush, coming out the other side just as the sheep were about to pass by. They were startled and took off across the field, baaing. Fable followed them, her head head in a proud manner. She barked, alerting Sakari who was chuckling the whole time as Fables chased them around and around the trees and then bounded through the bush. She swung open the gate, holding back her laughs as the sheep went through, then she started giggling again as soon as she has swung the gate closed.

When Sakari looked out into the field, scanning it, she saw only four sheep left, all were scattered all over the place. One was in the field still, one was watching from the trees on the left side, and two had come around one side of the pen and was hanging with the rest of the flock through the fence. Fable went first for the one in the field, coming around the right side and making her way towards it. It headed off towards the left side of the field before she had completely made her way around and soon was together with the other sheep on the left side. She barked and got them both going, leaving the trees and into the field as Fable entered the trees. She spun around and cut off their path as they tried to run around the pen to the other two. She got them head for the gate. Sakari opened the gate and blocked the path of the sheep who swung into the pen to get away from the large canine behind them. Fables stopped and Sakari closed the gate. Fable was getting tired, her tongue hanging out and breathing heavily. Some clouds were starting to cover the sky and so Fable wanted to hurry to avoid the rain. She sat a few second, taking a breather, before heading around the far side of the pen from where the last two sheep were and came up from behind them. The bolted into the field, and she took off after them, as fast as she could. She ran, making her way beside them, running along side them, still trying to get ahead of them. They stopped suddenly in their tracks and spun around, taking off the other way, catching Fable off guard. Her eyes went wide with surprise and she slid to a halt, spinning around to make chase. They were heading back towards the fence and so Fable sped up, got ahead of them and cut off their path, they tried to make their way around her, but the fence was in the way. She got them going along the fence towards the gate, Sakari opened the gate last minute at Fable's bark and they were forced to turn into the pen as Fable came around their side and blocked their exit. With a final bark to keep the others in, Sakari closed the gate and locked it. She walked over to fable and patted her on the neck. "You did it girl. Awesome job." Fable sat down, panting heavily as Sakari ran her fingers through Fable's mane. Sakari turned to the judge and waited for the results of the test and his judging. The judge wrote some things down and walked over to the two. "She passed, just doing a last physical before I send you guys off and give you confirmation for the next test." The judge told Sakari. Sakari backed away, nodding. The judge walked up to Fable, looking at her teeth, her claws, looking into her ears and even lifting her tail, startling her. She stood, looking back at the man invading her space wondering what he was up to. He checked her muscles and listened to her heart, then finished writing some things down before giving Sakari a piece of paper. "She is ready to go on to the next test, congratulations." He said, shaking her hand and walking off. "You passed girl. Only two more tests left to go." Sakari spoke to Fable, then motioned for her to follow. Before they left though, Fable walked up to the fence where the sheep were and one walked up to her, the one she guessed he had helped. She gave the sheep a lick on nose before following her handler away from the field and back towards home where she would get a treat and some rest.