The Peace of Fire

4 years, 17 days ago
1272 1

The story of how a fire guardian and a virtue first met.

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In the hills south of Dragon Falls in Chun-Nan, there was a gleaming temple emerging from the landscape. Two stories in height with pristine rooftops and beautiful gardens, this was the temple of the Fire Guardian Amaterasu.

10 years ago on this same day was when a young traveler entered the gardens. He knew about the stories of the temple, the traditions, he just wanted to see for himself. The figure was a male bat with a thin mustache. He wore a red and blue striped tuxedo, a black top hat and carried a pack with nothing but hiking supplies and a magic wand in his other hand. He had just arrived at the temple and was impressed by the exterior of the design.

"The temple must've survived for so many generations." The figure replied, "What amazing feats mortals can achieve in little time."

Upon entering the garden he gazed upon the beautiful flowers, plants and fountains. He wasn't sure what lied within the temple itself but he imagined it was beyond beauty. Suddenly he felt a presence behind him where he quickly disarmed the person behind him. Before him was a white female cat in a red geisha outfit, next to her lay a sword with a flame pattern next to the hilt.

"I apologize for startling you. I have a habit of seeing things before they happen."

"None taken." The cat replied in a calm and soothing voice, "You give off a different aura compared to other travelers who have arrived. I was not sure if you were a friend or foe."

"I am a friend don't you worry. My name is Patience. Patience the Bat. I have traveled the world searching for the true meaning of peace. One of the Seven Heavenly Virtues."

"Amaterasu, the guardian of fire. You said you are a virtue correct?"


"The other guardians and I have heard about you, but to us you were all emotions and feelings."

"That is correct but we are also entities. Amaterasu what would think how old do you think I am?"

"20 I would say."

"Interesting answer. In truth I'm actually 13.7 billion years. I have lived so many lifetimes and death to me is both a friend and a stranger."


"Why don't we sit down and talk for a little bit." Patience was about enter the temple but Amaterasu stopped him.

"Oh no, no one is allowed to enter the temple except for me."

"Why is that?"

"It's something I do not wish to share."

"I see, there is always an alternative to everything."

Patience waved his wand and cast a spell. Soon after a table with two chairs appeared in the garden.

"Take a seat, I insist."

The two sat at the table where Amaterasu offered some tea.

"This is really good." Patience admitted.

"Thank you. All these plants in the garden create so many varieties of tea. Some sweet, some bitter, and some that give you pleasant dreams. It is a favorite hobby of mine."

"Tea is my favorite drink, more healthier than water and less addicting than alcohol."

"Can I ask you something Patience?"

"Of course."

"When I was young, my father taught me what it means to become a guardian. The other guardians and I were also told the story of the war between the deadly sins and the heavenly virtues but none of the stories mention you traveling the world. Why do you do it?"

Patience took a moment to think and after sipping his tea, he explained.

"Truth is we've been around since the dawn of time. But since the rise of an intelligent species, both sins and us virtues wanted to explore and be a part of. Around history, all of us traveled the world, spreading our influence." Patience raised his wand and cast an image of all the sins and virtues spreading out across the world. "Where there are sins there is despair, distrust, and war. But when a virtue arrises. The world knows peace, harmony and equality. All of us never truly intervene. We just spread thoughts and beliefs and watch from a distance."

"So that's where all our emotions come from. But what brought you here to Chun-nan?"

"Recently I began to question how it beauty defined. Lot of people said that Chun-nan had the answer. I wanted to make sure if it did."

"I see. And what do you think now?"

"They were truthful, but I believe there is more than one answer. I can also see that your family has been fire elemental guardians for generations. Do you often wonder what would you do if you life went down a different path?"

"I don't know actually. All my life I was taught the role of being a guardian and protecting and eventually finding a successor. I never actually figure out what my life would've been if I had a different path."

"If you had the chance, the chance to do anything in your life, then do it. What makes you happy?"

"I don't know." Amaterasu smiled, "I don't know."

"Well I can see you're pretty good at gardening and harvesting tea plants. Perhaps when you retire the role of guardian to a worthy successor, you have something to think about."


"In the meantime I see your role as guardian is running pretty smoothly. What do you like about it?"

"Thank you, perhaps what I like about it is travelers coming to visit and making tea for them."

As they continued talking, Patience learned a lot more about Amaterasu than he initially thought and vise versa. Patience learned that Amaterasu loved to garden, she has a koi pond somewhere in the garden and had cravings for cookie dough ice cream. Amaterasu meanwhile learned about Patience's travels and adventures including the people he met and the historical events he witnessed.

Finally Patience took one look at Amaterasu's weapon Tulinyrrà the sword of flames.

"This sword its power is unique. I've only seen similar power in beings as powerful as I am."

"What do you mean?"

"Amaterasu. As I may have told you, the sins and virtues fight each other to bring balance. Sources of power are always big targets for either sides. I have no interest in your weapon but there is a sin who would want it. Wrath."

"The sin of anger?"

"Can you promise me something? Promise me, that no matter what, you'll keep it safe and away from hands of evil. And even if you'll do, you'll do whatever you can to help recover it?"

"I promise." Amaterasu wasn't sure what he meant by that but it must've been important otherwise he wouldn't bother to mention it. "Patience, will you come back? I liked our conversations."

"Like you I have my own duties to attend but one day I will return. I would like to know more about you."

He got his belongings and left just as fast as the table and chairs disappeared. Amaterasu could only watch as Patience continued on his journey.


Amaterasu looked out the window from her temple hoping for any sign of Patience. There was no sign and she sighed wondering if he would ever return. Her Chao Tsukuyomi noticed this and tried to comfort her but now she was in lost in thought. Right when she was tending to some new tea plants. A familiar presence arose around her and instantly she grabbed her sword and relieved Patience of his wand.

"Seems like you learned some new tricks." Patience smiled.

"Well then, we have a lot to talk about." Amaterasu replied as the two embraced a hug.