EXO.000 logbook

4 years, 19 days ago

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Log N001:

_ _ Alright, Location: Lab. This is the logbook for EXO.000, the prototype of my fusion project. I'm starting to set up all the equipment; the test tube is ready, all the machines are syncronized with the Main Control Unit (MCU), I installed a twin software on my tablet to be able to do minor checks, and an alarm system. Now I only need to put together the DNA samples and cross my fingers.

Log N003:

_ _ Location: Lab. It's been two days, the specimen has started to develop normally, but it's still too early to see anything. Note: comletely forgot to write down the species of pokemon used for this fusion, they're too many to remember, only aipom and piloswine come to mind; I'll have to run some checks for that. Next time I'll have to note down the DNA used immediately.

Log N006:

_ _ Location: Lab. Decided to activate the Glass Obscuration on the test tube (GO), I'll turn it off later on once the specimen is fully developed; monitoring the growth from the MCU, all parameters are in the norm.

Log N010:

_ _ Location: Office. I've been writing down and organizing all the data I gathered in the last few days, I still can't recall all the materials I used; I've been looking in all the samples I have stashed and in my notes to see if I wrote them somewhere, but it was useless. Forgot to eat, I need to keep an eye on my schedule.

Log N017: 

_ _ Location: Lab. The software reports that the specimen has reached the newborn stage of development. It's been a while since I turned on the GO, I'm going to turn it off to check on the progress myself.

Log N018:

_ _ Location: Lab. The specimen looks weird, and no distinctive trait has manifested yet. I feel like there is something wrong; I decided to run an healt check, but all the parameters seem to be normal. I'm going to leave the GO turned off from now on.

Log N023:

_ _ Location: Lab. The specimen has developed more, I'm starting to be able to make out some traits; it seems that I was correct on piloswine, but that's about it. The body structure still looks a bit off, ran another health check, all normal.

Log N028:

_ _ Hff.. hff... Location: Lab. The alarms went off in the middle of the night, the heart rate of the specimen was incredibly low, close to stopping. I managed to stabilize it, it's all fine now; but I'll have to keep a close eye on the vitals for a few days. Note: need to make an automatic system for the more simple emergencies, and update the software in my tablet so I can use it to control the MCU from a distance if needed.

Log N031:

_ _ Sigh.. Location: Bedroom. The alarm went off in the middle of the night again. In the last days there have been a lot complications, but the frequency and severity are getting lower, this time I was able to put everything in check directly from the tablet.

Log N033:

_ _ Location: Lab. The specimen started growing a tail and what it seems to be small fins on it's back, but I can't recognize the species they belong to yet, the general body shape still looks off. The crisis have stopped, hopefully there won't be anymore complications.

Log N040:

_ _ The-there is something horribly wrong here, I... I don't even know what this thing is anymore. The alarm is going off but I don't even know if I want to try and fix it this time... I... oh. Oh GOD IT'S WAKING UP... I-I HAVE To get it out of the tube or it's going to drown.

Log N041:

_ _ ... What have I done.