Rumble at Mount Travail: The Book Thief

4 years, 18 days ago

Ashe, Baxter and Yen go to Mount Travail, home to many Fighting-type Pokemon, in search of a merchant's lost book. They meet a curious character along the way.

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Rumble at Mount Travail: The Book Thief

The rocky, winding path ascending Mount Travail was teeming with Fighting-Type Pokemon, dotted with both their homes and their training areas. This place was known for housing serious, motivated battlers and retired experts who passed on their knowledge through schooling. The ground was hard and uneven, there were tight forests of skinny, hardy trees, and the weather was always hot-- the ideal conditions for training endurance, which is what the locals were after, but not ideal for anyone else. This, combined with their lost-looking expressions, is why the Bulbasaur, Duskull, and Dratini trio strolling up the mountain were glaringly out of place. 

“Everyone out here looks so… intense,” Said Baxter, the Duskull, looking around them nervously as they proceeded. A group of Machoke were loudly wrestling off the path. “I really hope no one picks a fight with us...”

“Come on, you could take ‘em!” Piped Yen, the Dratini. They slithered along, coins occasionally jingling in their belly. One of the Machokes shot them a glare at the comment, causing Baxter to hide behind Ashe. “Fighting types aren’t so good against Ghost types, anyways.”

“I don’t think they’re picking fights with each other,” Replied Ashe, the tired looking Bulbasaur who led the party. “Just training. But Yen’s right, anyways. If anything, we’re the ones who should worry, not you, Bax.” 

Climbing a ways up the mountain seemed to take much more out of Ashe than the other two, who seemed energized from nerves and excitement, respectively. The craggy path had been so steep at some places that she had to use her vines to help everyone up. After a long, scenic stretch of rock formations and scattered trees, they were finally entering a small town. 

The rocks towered high on either side of them, the main path jutting cleanly through the middle. Most of the buildings were carved into these rocks, but there were also a large amount of wooden structures crowding around the main road up ahead. 

The trio looked around and took in the sights, noting that they were now passing through an odd sort of outdoor marketplace, decorated with stalls and booths that sported strength training items, defensive equipment, berries, and more. Yen stared in wonder, delighted at the scene. “It sure is different up here. It must be tough getting goods up the mountain every day. Ooh, next time I come I should bring some items to trade…” They continued quietly planning their business scheme to themself as Baxter and Ashe exchanged looks.

“We’re being stared at,” Baxter whispered to her nervously, and for once it seemed to be true. All around them were Gurdurr, Machoke, Primeape, Medicham… All sorts of tough, and often serious, Fighting-type Pokemon that were clearly not used to such shrimpy visitors. Some of them turned away at Ashe’s gaze but others continued to gawk. She waved her vine dismissively and continued on, not wanting to deal with any extra trouble right now.

“They don’t mean anything by it,” Ashe replied. “It’s just obvious we’re not from here. Just keep on moving. The book isn’t gonna find itself…”

“Oh right, right, the book,” Said Yen, seemingly snapping out of their own thoughts as they stopped scoping out the goods for sale and continued slithering onwards past the market stalls. “You think it’s a rare one, Ashe?”

“Either way, it’s not ours,” She growled, her patience quickly wearing thin from her exhaustion. “That merchant dropped it out here, remember? The old Stoutland? If you want the reward he promised, shut your mouth and keep going.”

“Ahh, but a smart merchant would only promise a lesser reward for retrieving a valuable item…” Yen replied smugly, to which Ashe did not acknowledge. Baxter nervously followed, hoping Ashe wasn’t about to snap at them. 

Earlier that day, an old Stoutland set up shop in their town, a traveling merchant who came through a few times a year selling curios from across the seas. Ashe and Baxter, who did not normally leave their houses unless absolutely necessary, were passing through on their way to stock up on food for the week when they encountered the merchant and Yen, who never misses a chance to browse potentially valuable items. Yen called out a greeting to the two of them, and when they approached, the Stoutland, who had lost something special to him on the bumpy path from the mountain, sprung them the offer. If they were to retrieve his lost book before he left the next morning, he would give them each a worthy reward. 

Yen was immediately sold, but Ashe and Baxter were hesitant, not used to doing things quite so adventurous. It was only after the old Stoutland had expressed how much the book meant to him that they caved and agreed to go, but Ashe was beginning to wonder what reward could possibly make this worth it. They hadn’t seen any books up this mountain so far, even throughout the entire marketplace-- clearly, reading wasn’t the most popular leisure activity up here.

“Hey…” Baxter said tentatively, shaking Ashe away from her thoughts. “Didn’t he say it was purple?” 

“Yes, why?” Ashe replied a bit shortly. Her little legs ached, and she was not keen on small talk at the moment.

“Ahh, good eye, Bax. I think we may have found our treasure!” Yen was looking in the same direction as Baxter, and Ashe followed their gaze. Up ahead, the market came to an abrupt halt and the surrounding forest of hardy mountain trees engulfed the path they had been walking. At the beginning of the forest, a glinting purple book with shimmering gold trim sat on a stump. 

Ashe had to stop herself from visibly sighing in relief. “Oh, thank goodness. If I had to climb any further up this thing…”

But before she could finish, a dark figure flashed through the trees and swiped the book from its pedestal. 

“Wait!” Called Baxter and Yen simultaneously as Ashe stared open-mouthed. It was just her luck-- a book thief!

The three of them chased after the dark figure, weaving through the trees and kicking up a storm of dry dirt and pine needles as they went. Ashe fell behind, panting heavily as she tried to keep up. She heard Yen call out, “Wait! That’s ours!” and could no longer see Baxter as he took the lead. 

Suddenly, the forest came to a small clearing and the figure stopped dead in its tracks. Baxter and Yen froze across from it, and Ashe shortly caught up to them, breathing heavily as she oriented herself to the situation. The clearing was a rocky patch empty of trees and surprisingly even for a section of the mountain. Sun shone through from the sky, beaming onto the hard ground without the trees blocking its path. Across from them was a Breloom, holding the book in its hand with a cocky look on its face. 

“Ahh, you three are quicker than  you look!” Said the Breloom, an air of superiority hanging over them. “So this book belongs to you, eh? I found it on the ground earlier… You should be more careful!”  

“It’s not ours,” Baxter blurted out, surprising both Ashe and Yen. “It belongs to an old man, and we’re helping him by bringing it back.” He looked uncharacteristically serious, but soon became lucid of his outburst and melted into nervousness again. 

The Breloom grinned. “Well, isn’t that nice of you! Unfortunately, I have it now, and it looks like I’m just a little bit faster than you three.” They chuckled, tossing the book from one hand to the other.

Yen’s expression turned sour, glaring at the excessively confident Breloom. “What do you want? We don’t have any money.” Their voice was icy, and they made no effort to hide the visible coins in their glass belly that contradicted their statement. 

This made the Breloom laugh. “Oh, I’m not robbing you! I’m no criminal. Just a bored local who doesn’t get to play with outsiders often.” They leaned up against a tree and held up their free hand in a regal wave. “My name is Chanterelle. And you are?” 

“We don’t have time to play,” Ashe growled before the others could react. She knew she was being grumpy, but the strenuous journey up the mountain in glaring heat had spoiled her mood and she didn’t care anymore. “Just give it back. Please.”

“Ohh,” Chanterelle made a disappointed sound, but it was clear her spirits had not been lowered. “Tired from the journey up, are you? Well, I understand. But how about you two spritely young things?” She turned to Baxter and Yen, grinning. “Would you like to play?” 

Baxter and Yen exchanged glances. It was clear that Baxter wanted out of this entire situation, but ever-adventurous Yen’s interest was piqued. “What do you have in mind?”

Chanterelle looked exceedingly pleased. “Well! As you may have picked up on, Mount Travail is home to some of the most well trained, unbeatable fighters in the whole region. I used to be one of the greatest teachers up here, you know.” She paced back and forth lazily as she spun her story, the three others becoming invested despite themselves. “The problem is, my pupils grew up and flew off to greener pastures, but no new recruits came to replace them. Our population here is, well, in a bit of a decline.” She twirled the book between her fingers, her tail brushing up against the trees behind her. “After that, I turned to selling berries, a very difficult and profitable business in this area. I take pride in my work, but my heart will always be that of a sensei.”

Ashe raised an eyebrow. “What does this have to do with  us?”

Chanterelle smiled back at her, maintaining eye contact with the group. “Well, I want you to be my pupils, of course!” She laughed into the back of her hand, increasingly pleased with herself. “Now, I know you’re in a hurry, so it’ll just be a quick training session for now. What do you say? It’ll certainly help you all become stronger.” 

Ashe, Yen, and Baxter looked at each other. Ashe sighed, being the first to speak. “I’m out. I’m exhausted, and I’m ready to get back. These two can decide for themselves.” She wandered to the edge of the clearing and settled down in a pile of pine needles.

Yen grinned at Baxter, giving him an encouraging nod. “I say we do it. There aren’t any good sparring partners back home, are there?” He slithered towards Chanterelle and gave her a wink. “I’m in!”

Chanterelle laughed gleefully. “That’s it! That’s the spirit!” 

Baxter looked at the two of them apprehensively. “You know people usually pay me to do this, yes?” Chanterelle said, hoping to entice him. “I’m feeling generous today!” 

He glanced back at Ashe, and she gave him a tired, reassuring smile. “Whatever you’re feeling, Bax. You’d do great out there, but there’s no shame in backing out.”

Baxter was incredibly torn, looking as though he was having an internal crisis. Yen and Chanterelle continued shouting encouraging things at him, and Ashe smiled comfortingly. He took a deep breath, then floated over to the two that were preparing to train. “...Okay. I’m in too,” He told Chanterelle, chest puffed but avoiding eye contact. “I want to be stronger.”  “Marvelous!” Chanterelle cried, clapping her hands together while still gripping the book. “Then we’d better get started! Ah, but first…” She sauntered over to where Ashe was laying and placed the book in front of her with a wink before returning to the clearing. Ashe looked mildly surprised, not expecting her to give the book up so easily. She supposed her story may be true, then, and she’s not a thief but an expert fighter who misses teaching. 

Ashe watched the Chanterelle prepare the other two for battle, coaching them with the understanding and grace of a well experienced sensei. As they sparred, she was amazed to see timid Baxter coming out of his shell and silly Yen taking her lesson seriously. She smiled to herself, realizing that Chanterelle was right-- this lesson really did help them grow stronger, in more ways than one.

~ End ~