Brotherly Love

4 years, 19 days ago
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"Brother... What have you done!?" Diavolo whispered in horror, golden eyes staring at his brother's own mocking ones. Behind the ruler, the rest of the fallen angels gathered all in their demonic forms. He senses Lucifer and Satan's simmering rage and he hoped they could contain it, at least until they find out where his brother was keeping the girls. 

"Where are they?" 

"Whatever could you be talking about, dear brother?" 

"Enough games, Azrael. Where are Isabela and Lucina?" Though he's in much more stable state than how Satan is faring, Lucifer's voice oozed with a dangerous level of destruction and desperation. 

"Where else would two humans be at? Why, the human world of course." The tyrant nonchalantly stated, shrugging his shoulders in indifference. "Obviously, they're still together as the human world is still in one piece." 


"Oh come now, brother, surely you know what would happen if dear little sister gets her memories back." He snickered at Diavolo's aghast expression, noting how Lucifer stiffened at his words. 

"And what of Lucina? Why did you take her?" Finally managing to put a lid on his overflowing rage, the Avatar of Wrath asked, veins ice cold with worry over his human lover. 

"The singularity? She's partly the reason why dear sister is still stable." He pauses briefly before continuing, "So long as she wills it, they will be safe... Unless someone separates them perhaps--" 

"If you dare hurt Isabela--" 

"If Lucina gets a single scratch on her--" 

"Patience, you buffoons. The time is not right yet. The show will only begin once the eclipse brings down the barrier between all three worlds." With a smirk, he unfurls his wings, preparing to teleport. Diavolo tries to stop him but is too late to do so. 

"The question is, can you find them before that?" 

His words echo into the night as the quiet silence fills the members of the Royal Academy of the Devildom.